The purpose of this article is to describe the ordering and onboarding process for the Verifone UX410. Onboarding is only required once per Organization. This process must be completed before swapping out a reader.
Ordering Process
There are two ways to order this device:
- If you are replacing an existing card reader with your new Verifone UX410 device, fill out the form available at the Adyen Retrofit Kit Request Portal.
- If you are purchasing a new Verifone UX410 device without replacing an existing card reader, please fill out the appropriate ordering form:
ADM Setup
Before beginning, please prepare the following information:
- Banking Information
- Recent Statements pertaining to the company
- Company Information (Owners, Addresses, etc.)
- Ensure you have ADM login credentials and can log in. If you do not yet have an ADM account, the 365 Implementation team will email you an access link upon receiving your order.
- Log into ADM
- Navigate to the main menu located at the top of the page, and select the Admin option. Select the 365 Payments Application option from the resulting drop-down menu.
- The 365 Payments Application screen will now appear. Select the type of business by clicking on the Type field: the two options are "Organization" or "Sole Proprietorship". This can be later changed if needed. Should you require more information on the business types, please refer to the article Verifone - Required Information for Operator Onboarding.
- If "Organization" is selected as the type, select the timezone.
- If Sole Proprietorship is selected, fill in your first name, last name and select the timezone.
- If "Organization" is selected as the type, select the timezone.
- Next, select the Request Onboarding Link button. You can then either past the link into a new opened web browser tab by selecting Copy to clipboard, or click on the Begin Your Application button.
- You will now be direct to the application portal. Here you will go through each step and fill out all the required information (i.e. banking information, company details, decision makers, etc.). Once you have completed your application, our underwriting team will review it within the next few business days.
- Navigate back to ADM by clicking on the lower left button labeled Back to adm.365retailmarkets.com.
- Check the status of your application by navigating to the 365 Payments Application page. This page will display the status: pending, approved, or requires further attention. You may also receive emails regarding your onboarding status until you receive final approval.
- If the Status displays as Invalid - Errors Require Attention, like in the image below, click on the Regenerate Onboarding Link button. This will allow you to go back to your application and review what might be missing or requires more attention.
If onboarding has been successful, contact 365Support at (888) 365-6282 or support@365smartshop.com to inform them Onboarding has been completed.
- If the Status displays as Invalid - Errors Require Attention, like in the image below, click on the Regenerate Onboarding Link button. This will allow you to go back to your application and review what might be missing or requires more attention.
Installing the New Verifone Device
With the ADM setup process now complete, the steps to complete the physical installation of this device are described in the following articles: