Theft in markets is an unavoidable occurrence in many instances. Because of this, ADM has a Asset Recovery feature, which gives Operators a streamlined way to create and track cases of theft, as well as recoup funds from stolen products.
No new functionality has been introduced to catch or identify potential theft in a market with this Asset Recovery feature. Operators must still leverage their current methods of identifying theft in their locations, such as video footage, Cancel Reports, Panoptyc, or other methods. However, once an instance of theft has been identified, Operators can then leverage this new functionality to work on recouping the lost funds. Asset Recovery payments from customers can then be paid off via a credit payment online.
Request This Feature
This feature is not turned on by default. Please contact 365Support at (888) 365-6282 or support@365smartshop.com to have this feature enabled.
Asset Recoverys will be paid by the consumer when they visit ADM's Asset Recovery website, MarketCaseManager.com. While this feature is being enabled, you may ask 365Support to create a custom subdomain of this website for your organization, such as ABCCorp.MarketCaseManager.com
ADM Settings
- Log into ADM
- From the main menu, select the Admin option, then Asset Recovery from the resulting dropdown menu.
- You will now be taken to the Manage Case screen. This page allows you to view all current cases.
Creating a New Case
Cases can be created in ADM that will ultimately be paid off by consumers. Consumers with or without a GMA can still be identified by the Operator and have a case opened against them.
- From the Manage Cases screen, select the Create Case button
- The Create Case page will now appear. Here, you may fill out any pertinent information about the case.
Only certain fields are editable. Of those fields, the Location of the theft, the Amount, and the First and Last Name of the consumer are all required information.
Optional fields include:
- Email: for consumer's email. Email notification pertaining to the case will be sent to this address.
- Video URL: for a video URL that can be tagged to the case for later reference
Notes: for any necessary notes that can be used for later reference
- Once you have input the information, select the Save button. You will now be taken back to the Manage Cases page, where you will see your newly created case listed. A unique case number will be automatically generated for the new case, which will be used by the consumer.
- If an email address was entered on the Case in ADM, an email notification will be sent to the consumer at this stage, alerting them that a case was opened. If there was no email address entered on the Case in ADM, the Operator must directly contact the consumer via their own means or via the Client. Be sure to provide the case number and the Asset Recovery URL when corresponding with the consumer.
Editing or Updating a Case
- From the Manage Cases page, select the case number for the case you would like to edit.
If you cannot easily find the case you are looking for, you may search for the case by using information such as the date range, the location of the case, and the case status.
- The case you have selected will now appear. You may now change any editable information about the case as needed, including updating notes about the case.
- When you are done, select the Save button.
Closing a Case
After the consumer has submitted their Asset Recovery payment, you will have to manually review it and close the case against them.
- From the Manage Cases page, select the case number for the case you would like to close.
- The case you have selected will now appear. You may now add in any relevant notes pertaining to the closing of the case, and select the Close Record button.
- Once you have closed the case, you will be taken back to the Manage Cases screen, where you will see that the case has been closed.
You will receive the Asset Recovery funds on your next EFT: GMA Disbursement report. The funds collected from the Asset Recovery site will be included in the Credit Sales column on the EFT. This means the funds will also be subject to the associated Credit Fee for that Org or Location.
Consumer Process
The Asset Recovery feature is not tied to GMA in any capacity. This means the consumer's GMA cannot be used to pay off a case. This also means that consumers with or without a GMA can still be identified by the Operator and have a case opened against them.
- The consumer will navigate to MarketCaseManager.com, or to your Organization's customized URL, such as ABCCorp.MarketCaseManager.com, etc. The consumer can navigate to this site in one of two ways:
Option 1: Access Website via Email - On the sent email, the consumer can follow the link directly through to the Asset Recovery website, and their case number will automatically be entered for them.
Option 2: Access Website via Kiosk - On the V5 kiosk, there is a unique QR code that will be displayed if Asset Recovery is enabled for the Org. Consumers can use the camera on their smartphone to scan this QR code and be brought to the Asset Recovery website. Once the customer has navigated to the website, they will type in their unique case number.
Option 1: Access Website via Email - On the sent email, the consumer can follow the link directly through to the Asset Recovery website, and their case number will automatically be entered for them.
- Once they have found their case, the consumer must enter their credit or debit card info and submit the payment. Consumers can only submit payment via a credit or debit card. The payment must be submitted in full: for example, if the case is for $5, a consumer can only submit $5 and no other value for that case. The consumer can enter in their email address for a digital receipt if desired.
- Once the case has been closed, the consumer will be notified via email address, if applicable.