
Parlevel - PayPlus - Remote Access Using AirVend Live


Vending operators may now remotely control their PayPlus devices and adjust settings using the AirVend Live (AV Live) platform.

This guide covers a selection of the most requested features, including:

  • Searching for a Machine and Viewing its Status
  • Remote Access Actions (Reboot, Ping and DEX)
  • Modifying Machine Settings
  • Where to Update Machine Default Settings (for new devices only)
  • Creating and Distributing Coupons
  • Accessing the Heartland EFT Payments Report

For more information about using the AV Live platform, please visit the AVLive Section of the 365 Help Center.


Searching for a Machine and Viewing its Status

To search for a machine, navigate to your Machines screen, found at The list of machines may be scrolled through, or you may enter the serial number in the Search field near the top.

Column 1 (left-most) contains a checkbox that is needed to apply [Actions] to the selected machine(s). The [Actions] drop-down menu is located just above the machine list on the right-hand side of the screen and is greyed out (unavailable) until at least one machine has been checked.

Status icons are displayed in columns 2 and 3 and lack column headers. The first status column displays a color-coded icon indicative of the device’s last Ping. Use the following key to quickly reference a device’s status.

Hovering the cursor over a status icon displays a tooltip indicating when the last ping occurred and its RSSI (received signal strength indicator, in dBm). Reading and understanding the displayed RSSI requires the following considerations:

  1. The displayed RSSI is a negative value, where values of -50 to -65 are within
    appropriate range for normal operation. Higher negative values are less favorable for normal operation but can still work most or all of the time.

  2. RSSI values of -65 to -70 are less favorable but acceptable. Higher negative values than -70 are least favorable, and customers may complain that transactions intermittently go slower or cancel before completion. Consider repositioning the antenna if you have not already done so. You can remotely ping your device to see what impact any adjustments have made. See the Remote Access Actions section for more about pinging a device.

  3. Unusual RSSI values such as 0 (zero) or 99 indicate the device antenna cable should be checked for connection (ensure it is screwed into the GSM connector on the back of the device).

The second status column (third column from the left) displays icons related to MDB Status (device-to-machine) and displays with various icons, including:

A hardware notification tools icon may display up to one house after installing the device or adjusting the cabling. Should the notification last longer than one hour, consider troubleshooting device connections or contacting Support for guidance.


Remote Access Actions

The remote-access functionality now available to vending operators via include:

  1. Reboot the device remotely
  2. Ping the device remotely
  3. DEX options: remotely request a scheduled DEX, service DEX, and view DEX history
  4. Modify Two Tier Fees (credit card processing fees). authorization amounts, and vends-per-transaction
  5. Update default settings for new devices

Select at least one machine for the [Actions] dropdown to become available.

  1. Reboot the device by navigating to [Actions > Commands > Reboot Device]

  2. Ping the device by navigating to [Actions > Commands > Send Ping]. Pinging a device will update the RSSI value is change in signal quality has occurred. 

  3. DEX Actions
    • View DEX History by navigating to [Actions > Dex > Dex Uploads]. The next screen shows the time of the DEX, whether it was exported to a third party Device Management System (DMS), whether it was a Fill DEX, as well as a Details section which displays the DEX file itself.
    • Request a Scheduled DEX by navigating to [Actions > Dex > Send Dex Command]. This will update sales figures without affecting any currently planned services.
    • Request a Service DEX by navigating to [Actions > Dex > Send Serviced Dex Cmd]. *Please be advised that if the machine is currently planned for service, requesting a service DEX will complete the service.



How to Modify Machine Settings

Click on a machine in the Name column to access the Edit Machine screen, then click on the Settings tab.

The most commonly adjusted settings are the Authorization AmountVends allowed per transactions, and Cash discount amount (two tier fee).

WARNING: Please do not modify the third party identification number inside the Communication tab. This would affect the way the device communicates to your VMS.

  1. Authorization Amount is the dollar amount that the device will attempt to authorize for spending in a single card swipe. We recommend setting this value equal to the highest-priced item in the machine plus the cash discount amount. Setting this field to zero or leaving it empty will display the message "Insufficient Funds" when a customer swipes a card and vends will not be allowed.

  2. Vends allowed per transaction is the maximum number of times an item can be vended from a single card swipe. For every item that vends, its price (plus the cash discount amount) is deducted from the authorization amount. 

  3. Cash discount amount, or two tier fee, is an additional dollar amount added to the sale price of each vended item when paying with a card. It is recommended to leave this field blank if you do not wish to charge customers a two tier fee.

A transaction will automatically complete once there are insufficient funds remaining from the authorization amount to vend another item, or once the number of items vended equals the specified vends allowed per transaction, of if the transaction timer counts down to zero before all the allowed vends are executed (known as a Timeout between vends, which is 30 seconds by default).

It is important to keep in mind that the cash discount amount is applied to each vended item in a cashless transaction.

This means that to have the authorization amount cover the price and two tier fee for the most expensive items in the machine, the cash discount amount should multiplied by the vends allowed per transaction and then add the result to the authorization amount. 


Where to Update Machine Default Settings

Updating the default settings only affects new devices that come online after the changes are saved. Settings on existing devices will remain unchanged.

To view and edit the default settings for new devices, navigate to [My Company > Company Info]. This displays the Edit Company screen, where you will then click on the Settings tab. 


Creating and Distributing Coupons

Coupons are used to purchase items from the machine and can be used for reimbursing a customer for an item that did not vend properly. Transaction reversals/full refunds are not available through AV Live.

To create a new coupon, navigate to the Manage Coupons screen [My Company > Coupons] and click on the Create New link. 


  • A six-character coupon Code will automatically be generated.

  • Specify the numerical value of the coupon in dollars and cents in the Amount field, excluding currency symbols.

  • Enter a valid email address or phone number so that the coupon may be sent to the intended customer. Entering a phone number into the SMS Phone field will send the coupon code via text message.

  • To send a custom message to the recipient of the coupon, enter it into the Note field.

Once created, coupons are visible on the Manage Coupons screen, where they may be viewed, edited, resent to recipients, or deleted.


Accessing the Heartland EFT Payments Report

To view Heartland EFT payments, navigate to [Reports > Heartland > EFT Payments].


  1. The Date Range column displays the week's report, which in this example ran from a Thursday through the following Wednesday in Eastern time. Select a date range for an itemized breakdown of each EFT payment for each machine.

  2. The Sales column shows the value of all card sales on all machines for the specified date range.

  3. The Credit Card Fees column shows the percentage of your sales paid in fees as a dollar value as per your agreed upon fee rate.

  4. The Service Fees column displays the monthly fee, which is $14.95/month and covers the use of AirVend reporting, website, data, and support. 

  5. The Amount column shows how much will be paid to you. If the amount is above $25, it will be deposited. If the amount is below $25, it will be held until it rises above $25. 

  6. The Start Date and End Date fields on the right allow you to run the EFT payment for a custom date range and show all EFT payments, credit card fees, and service fees for the range specified. 

  7. Values in parentheses indicate a negative balance incurred (the fees were greater than the deposit).

  8. The Totals at the bottom show the sum of the sales, credit card fees, and service fees for the specified time period.

For more information, please see the 365 knowledge base article on Heartland EFT Payments, located at