This report enhances the settings in ADM to better manage the cash drawer, as well as start shift, end shift, and end shift receipt options. It also provides a basic start/end shift amount report.
The Cashier or Operator will be able to manage the cash drawer, start shift, end shift, and end shift receipt options. This report that will have details for one or more locations to help the Cashier or Operator to troubleshoot an issue or export to excel for further examination.
This report is used to view a log of cashier entered start/end shift amounts for one or more locations.
This report can be scheduled, and can be exported as an Excel file.
Report Format
Location: This will display location name
Device: This will display the name of the device or kiosk
Cashier Name: This will display the first and last name of the cashier that entered the start/end shift amounts
Starting Shift Amount: The amount that the cashier entered at the beginning of their shift
Start Shift Entry Date/Time: The date/time log of when the start shift amount was entered
End Shift Amount: The amount that the cashier entered at the end of their shift
- End Shift Entry Date/Time: The date/time log of when the end shift amount was entered
Selection/Filter Criteria
Date Range - Dates could be selected based on the following: Custom Range, Yesterday, Today, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 60 days, Last Week (SU-SA), Last Week (SA-FR), This Week, Last month, This Month, Current and Previous Month
Time Range (Optional) - Has a hh:mm format (24 hours)
Location list - allows for multiple locations to be selected
- Active Locations Only (optional) - allows for only active locations to be selected
Selection Fields
Example of Report results