
Parlevel - Location Sales

Location Sales

  1. Navigate to Analytics > Customers > Location Sales to view the report for Location Sales.
  2. Select the desired date range.
  3. To view Only Machines or Only Micro Markets, choose the appropriate selection from the All POS drop down menu, or leave as is.
  4. Click the green button to run the Location Sales report with the chosen filters.
    To toggle the information displayed on this report , select Toggle Columns from the Options drop down menu. Select and deselect columns as necessary.
  5. Hover under column header for search filters.
  6. Click the Options drop down menu in the top right corner to print or export the report.


Explanation of columns in the Location Sales table from left to right:

  • Name: The name assigned to the location. The location name is a clickable link that opens the POS Sales page for that location.
  • County: The county that the location is in.
  • Route: The route that the location is assigned to.
  • Cash Sales: The amount of cash sales for the location within the date range chosen.
  • Cashless Sales: The amount of cashless sales for the location within the date range chosen.
  • Total Sold: The total amount of cash and cashless sales for the location within the date range chosen.
  • Daily Average: The average of the daily sales for the location within the date range chosen.
  • Cash Collected: The actual amount of cash collected for the location within the date range.
  • Cashless Collected: The amount of cashless sales for the location within the date range chosen.
  • Total collected: The total actually collected between cash and coins, as well as the cashless sales.
  • Total Revenue: The income from location sales within the chosen date range.
  • POS: The number of point of sale systems at a location

Explanation of the information displayed in the Location Sales graphs:

  • Total Sales: This graph visually compares the cash and credit sales for each of the top 10 locations by total sales. To view all locations, select Show All from the Options drop down menu.
  • Daily Average: This graph visually compares the daily average of the top 10 locations by total sales. To view all Locations, select Show All from the Options drop down menu.
  • Total Collected vs Cash Sales: This graph visually compares the total cash collected versus the cash sales for the top 10 locations by total sales. To view all locations, select Show All from the Options drop down menu.