
Parlevel - Machine Sales by Day

Under Analytics > Vending Financial > POS Sales by Day, you can find a report listing your machines' total sales per day for a given date range. The default date range displayed will be for the last month of sales. 

You can select a date range under 31 days and click VMS Run Report icon (green).

On the left are your columns detailing the asset number, name, and location of each machine. The name under Machine is a clickable link that will open the Machine Modal. 

The Sales column lists the total amount of sales done by the machine in the given date range, and the Sale Dates column displays the number of days the machine made sales out of the number of days in the date range. 

Following that, on the right you will have the total amount of sales made each day during the date range. Each column header can be clicked in order to sort the results, and if there are more results than your page shows, you can navigate through the results using the arrows at the bottom of the page. 

Under Parlevel - VMS Triple Gear Settings Icon.png Options, you can choose to export or print the report.