
Parlevel - Machine View for Online Machines


Machine View (also called the Machine Modal) is a popup window with detailed information about a machine. Machine View is always accessible from any place in the VMS where the name of the machine is clickable.


The general information for the machine is displayed at the top of the Machine View. The following is the explanation of this information from left to right:

  • Furthest left is the Machine ID, which is the number automatically assigned to the machine upon creation and can't be changed. 

  • If assigned, the next ID is the machine's asset number, which is a unique number you can create track your equipment. 
  • The name of the route that this machine is assigned to.

  • The location of the machine. You can click the location pin icon to view the Location Details screen, which includes a location map.

  • The machine name.

    On the other side, you have:

  • The machine type icon. Hover your cursor over this icon to view the machine type tooltip.

  • The connection status. For machines with a 3G Parlevel telemeter that is currently communicating with the VMS, a green Parlevel signal Parlevel - VMS Network Icon (green) is displayed. For machines with a 3G Parlevel telemeter that is not currently communicating with the VMS, a red Parlevel signal Parlevel - VMS Network Icon (red) is displayed. For machines with third party telemeters, this icon will be either a green checkmark icon if the machine is set as Active by the user or a red on / off icon if the machine is set as Disconnected by the user.

  • The inventory fill percentage, indicating approximately how much product remains in the machine according to the last Dex.
  • The total amount of money in sales for this machine since the last time it was collected.

  • The days since the machine was last serviced (DSLS).

  • (If available) To print the QR code that identifies this machine, click QR code icon (Print QR Code).

  • To print the planogram for this machine, click print icon (Print Planogram).

The following buttons are at the bottom of all screens of the Machine View:

  • Close

  • Edit Machine
    - For additional information on editing a machine, see Machine Edit.

  • Modify Inventory / Price
    - For additional information on modifying inventory and prices, see Modify Inventory and Prices.

Screens of Machine View from left to right

Overview eyepitome


  • The Overview screen displays the full machine planogram, including the price, current inventory, and parlevel for every selection. Paired selections will not show this information but will show the name of the selection they are paired to. Hover your cursor over a product to display the full product name, net weight, container type, sales since last service, and the DCR (daily consumption rate).

    star icon If a product is tagged as healthy, the product will be displayed with a green background and a leaf leaf icon. For additional information on product tags, see Product tags.

  • Merchandising and Optimization are located at the bottom of the overview screen only. - Clicking Merchandising displays colored bars next to the products indicating sales performance. Hover over the product to display the sales performance text, sales score from zero to ten, and the daily consumption rate for the product.
    - Clicking Optimization will take you to the machine's Optimization page.
    For information about optimization and merchandising, see Optimization and Merchandising.

Machine Info VMS Toggle extra filters icon


  • The information is divided in two sections:

    • General Info: Displays information about the telemeter, machine, etc.

    • Communication and Stats: Displays cash meter, DEX reporting information, service history, servicing driver, etc.

Sales dollar sign icon

  • This screen displays the sales ticker, which generally shows sales information based on reported Dex or MDB data, depending on which the machine configured to read.  Sales received by Dex will be timestamped with the time the Dex file was received. To delete any sales displayed, click Delete trashcan icon.

    exclamation point icon The missing information from deleting sales on this screen could potentially throw off service consolidation and sales report numbers. Delete at your own risk.

  • The total amount of money made in sales by the machine since the last collection is displayed beside Money Parlevel - VMS Money Icon.

  • The amount of money made in cashless sales by the machine since the last collection is displayed beside Cashless VMS Cashless icon.

  • TTF displays the total amount of two-tier fees made by the machine since the last collection.

  • Coins coin icon displays the total amount of money in coins that is currently inside the machine coinmech tubes (if this is reported by the machine).

  • Daily Avg displays the average sales in this machine. This is calculated by dividing the total sales by the number of days that have passed from the first day that the machine transmitted information.

  • Machine Full Report VMS Report Icon opens the Machine Full Report screen, which displays detailed sales information for the last 30 days.

Coinmech Tube Levels VMS Report Icon

 star iconThis tab is only available for machines with a 3G Parlevel Box running the correct firmware version. You can contact Parlevel Hero Support to check if this option is available.

  • The information displayed on this screen is retrieved from the machine MDB and the graph displays totals for number of coins.

  • If you have the firmware installed on the Parlevel telemeter(s), this feature must be enabled in your VMS:

    • Click your Username in the top right corner of the screen.

    • Select Company Settings from the drop down menu.

    • Go to the System tab. Click the green Edit button on the top right.

    • Click View Tube Levels (Parlevel Telemeters) to toggle it to On.

    • Click Save.


Alerts exclamation point icon

  • This screen displays the active alerts by default. To delete any of the alerts displayed, click Delete trashcan icon.

    exclamation point icon Deleting an alert is not the same as solving an alert., which can be done from the Alerts page by clicking the exclamation point icon icon in the upper righthand of your VMS screen.

  • Click View Complete Alerts History to view all alerts, including active and solved ones. You can also delete alerts from this screen.

Tech tickets wrench icon

  • This screen displays active tickets by default.

  • To view all tickets, including inactive and closed tickets for this machine, click View Complete Ticket History to toggle the view.
  • You can view more ticket details by navigating to Vending > Tech Tickets.


Service History VMS Truck Inventory icon

This screen displays all the services performed on this machine.

  • Service Avg displays the average amount collected during services.

  • Service Date displays the time and date that the machine had its service performed.

    • To view the machine's service ticket detail for that service, click the Service Date. For additional information about the service ticket details, see Service Tickets.

    • To display the route view for that day, click the VMS Truck Inventory icon. For additional information about the route view, see Route Progress.
  • Service Type displays information on how the Fill/DEX was generated and processed by the VMS, or if the machine was serviced by Manual Parlevel, which is indicated by:
    - Scheduled: the machine was serviced as part of a planned service route, and DEX information was received for that service when the driver pressed the Fill/Dex button, or
    - Manual Parlevel: the machine was marked as serviced by pressing Manual PL Parlevel - VMS Network Icon in the VMS or the Driver App/Stock.
    exclamation point icon Manual Parlevel is not recommended. Since Manual Parlevel does not include the latest DEX information, it provides close but unreliable information regarding inventory, sales and collections at the moment of service. 
    - Not Scheduled: a Fill/DEX was received for a machine that was not routed.

  • Collected / Expected displays the amount of money collected at the time of service versus the money expected to be collected based on DEX information at the time of service. $0/$0 is displayed if the type of service did not include money collection.

  • Action displays the kind of service performed (Service & Collect, Collect Only, Service Only, Repair). If there was an inventory audit scheduled for the service, a colored box with the letter A will appear to the right of the action. If the box is green, the audit was completed during the service. If the box is red, the audit was scheduled but not completed during the service.

  • O/S displays the amount of collected money over (green) or short (red) of the expected collection amount for each listed service.

    • At the bottom of the table, totals and averages for collected, expected and Over/Short are shown.

  • Click View Complete Fill/DEX History to view the list of all Fill/DEX and Manual Parlevels, including the ones received when the machine was not part of a planned route.

    • Received Date displays the time when the Fill/DEX button was pressed inside the machine.

    • Service Type displays information on how the Fill/DEX was generated and processed by the VMS.

      • Manual Parlevel: the machine was marked as serviced by pressing Manual PLParlevel - VMS Network Icon in the VMS or the Driver App.

      • Scheduled: the machine was serviced as part of a planned service route, and DEX information was received for that service when the driver pressed the Fill/DEX button.

      • Not Scheduled: a Fill/DEX was received for a machine that was not routed.

    • $ in Machine displays the amount of money inside the machine at the moment of Fill/DEX or Manual Parlevel.

      • If the Service Type is Not Scheduled, it is useful to know how much money was in the machine when the driver pressed the Fill/DEX button but did not service or collect.

Notes new document icon

Parlevel - VMS Information Icon Use machine notes to document important machine information that will not change over time. All users with access to the VMS can post notes.

  • If notes have been posted for the machine, they will be displayed in a list with the Creator and Timestamp for each note shown.

    • The notes are sorted by their timestamp, with the most recent note at the top.

    • Click the note to expand it and read its contents.
  • To create a new Note, type a note in the Post new note field.

  • Click Post.

  • Edit an existing post by clicking Edit VMS Edit iconat the top right corner of the note. Delete an existing post by clicking Delete trashcan icon at the top right corner of the note.

    star icon You can only edit or delete your own notes. If you are logged in as Manager, then you can delete notes that were not created by you, but you will not be able to edit them.

  • To view Service Notes, click Service Notes at the top right of the screen. These are notes that can be added by Manager roles through the VMS or Drivers through Stock, that are directly related to a specific machine service. For additional information about adding Service Notes, see Route Progress or Driver App.

    star icon Service Notes look similar to Machine Notes (timestamp, creator, content), but there are no edit or delete options.

Machine History clock icon

  • History of Product Changes is the default landing screen for the Machine History tab. It shows a six-month history of product changes for this machine.

  • Click the icons to the right of the screen title to display the six-month history for the following:

Pictures camera icon

For information about uploading machine pictures, see Implementation.

  • Pictures are sorted by date, starting with the most recent.

  • To rotate a picture, click rotate VMS Rotate Icon until the picture is oriented correctly.

  • Click Service Pics to view pictures taken during machine services. To upload service pictures, see Route Progress and Driver App.

    • Every service picture is displayed along with its timestamp and the name of the user that originally uploaded it.

    • To rotate a service picture, click rotate VMS Rotate Icon until the picture is oriented correctly.

Parlevel - VMS Information Icon Please note that pictures added under Service Pics will not show up in the Machine Pics tab of Machine View, or in the corresponding tab of the Machine Edit page.

Forecast fast forward icon

  • The Statistics and Forecast tab defaults to historical Sales (Quantities) by unit when opened. It displays the number of sales per selection for each of the last 7 days, and to the far right the cumulative sales over the last 30 days. For offline machines, this information is based solely off of what has been indicated as Stocked by drivers during service.
    - By hovering over question mark icon, you can view which other slot(s) are paired with the selected slot.

  • Click See in Currency to view the last 7/30 days' of Sales (Currency), which is the number of units sold multiplied by each selection's indicated price.

  • Using the dropdown in the righthand corner, you can view Predicted Sales, Predicted Prekit, and Predicted Inventory.
    - Predicted Sales will display the forecasted sales for the next 7 days. For online machines, this prediction is based off of the selection's Daily Consumption Rate (DCR). For offline machines, this is based on what has been indicated as Stocked in the machine in the past. Like the historical Sales, you will have an option to also view this as Currency rather than Quantities.
    - Predicted Inventory displays the forecasted quantity of units that will be in the machine for each of the next 7 days.
    - Predicted Prekit displays the forecasted number of units that will be needed to bring each selection up to par level, broken down by each day of the next week.

Parlevel - VMS Information Icon Please note that all forecasted data is based upon historical data and will not always be perfectly accurate. Forecasted data cannot take into account unforeseen events, location closures, or telemeter issues.

Machine Alerts Settings Parlevel - VMS Triple Gear Settings Icon

  • This screen displays the machine alert settings.

  • To modify the alert settings, click VMS Group Icon Edit Group Settings below print icon Print Planogram. For additional information about editing group settings, see Alert Groups.

Temperature temperature icon

  • The Machine Temperature log is available in drink (stacker, glass front), snack (hybrid, combo), ice cream (frozen), and food machines (carousel). This information is reported in the DEX files received from the machine. 

  • The screen shows the last known temperature and timestamp, as well as a list of the last logged temperature readings.

    exclamation point icon This information is not 100% reliable since the DEX can report different temperatures according to different settings. If a number looks off, report the issue to Hero Support for verification.

Prekit Settings VMS Group Icon

  • The Machine Prekit Settings screen shows the prekit settings for the Prekit Group to which the machine belongs.

  • To modify the Machine Prekit Settings, click external link icon to the right of the screen title. For additional information about prekit groups, see Prekit Groups.

Parlevel - VMS Information Icon To close the Machine View, click Close, or click anywhere outside the Machine View.