The video above and the steps below explain how to initiate instant product changes in your machine/market planograms. The purpose of performing instant product changes is to make sure that planograms immediately reflect changes made in the machine; otherwise, the VMS will assume that any product changes in the VMS will take place during the next service of the machine/market.
- While logged in to your VMS, navigate to Vending>All Machines.
- Filter for the machine you wish to make product changes to using the search bars at the top of the list.
- Click
to the right of the appropriate machine.
- Click any product image in the machine's planogram to enter the Product Assignment page.
- You may use the search bar on the left under Available Products to find the product you wish to enter into the currently showing slot.
- Click the product when found, and it will appear in a small shadow next to the original product, indicating that the slot is intended for a product change, which, if left as is, will take place on the machine's next completed service.
- Perform any other product changes needed for the machine before click Back to Planogram. On the planogram page, any products pending changes will have a red bar beneath them.
- Click the checkbox Force Instant Product Changes? in the bottom right corner to ensure the product changes are registered immediately and not on the next service.
- Click Save Changes.