Brokers are companies that manage Accounts for a commission. Contact a Customer Success Manager to enable this feature.
Once enabled, you may access the Brokers page by clicking Settings > Customers > Brokers in the upper right corner of the Navigation Bar.
Create a Broker
To create a Broker, click New Broker.
Fill in the required fields, these are marked with an asterisk (*).
To add a Broker Category, click .
Enter the category to create.
Click Save.
Broker categories are used to organize your customers.
Click Verify Address.
- Click Save Changes.
Explanation of columns in the existing Broker screen
After clicking Save Changes, the existing Broker screen is displayed. All table headers are sortable.
ID: The unique number generated by the system when a Broker is created. It is auto-incrementing and cannot be modified.
Name: The name assigned to the Broker. This is a clickable link that opens the Broker Detail screen. From here, you can Edit Broker or Add Account to the Broker.
Type: The type of Broker. There are two options for this: commercial and government.
Category: The Broker Category chosen or created when creating the the Broker.
Accounts: The number of Account assigned to the Broker.
- Commission: The type of commission for the Broker. This is either the percentage or the flat rate amounts.
To edit or delete a Broker, use the icon to the far right.