
Parlevel - Tech Tickets and Recurring Tickets

You can make Tech Tickets to have problems and services addressed by technicians to ensure more efficient organization and accountability. 

Before getting started, you can customize your tech tickets by navigating to gear icon Settings > Tech Service > Ticket Types.

By default, the above Ticket Types will be entered and color-coded for you. You can edit them by clicking the VMS Edit icon icon on the right, or you can create a new Ticket Type by clicking VMS Create Ticket Icon New Type. In either case, you can modify the name of the ticket category and the color associated with it.

Navigating Tech Tickets

Under Vending > Tech Tickets, you can get started managing the ticket system. 

If needed, you can set a date range in order to narrow down the viewable tickets, or filter using any of the available fields. 

You can select multiple tickets using the checkboxes to the left of the ID column, and then use the Parlevel - VMS Triple Gear Settings Icon Options dropdown to delete or close the tickets in bulk, or have them printed or exported.

Here is an explanation of the columns on the page, from left to right:

  • ID: This is the system-generated ID of the ticket.
  • Status: This is the current status of the ticket. It can be Open, Closed, or Inactive.
  • Type: This is the type of ticket. The available types are according to the Ticket Types in your Settings, outlined in the beginning of this article.
  • Subject: This is the custom subject of the ticket.
  • Assigned to: This is the technician that was assigned to the ticket, if it was specified. If you have a default technician set in the Route settings, then they will be assigned to the ticket automatically.
  • For: This is the machine or OCS station the ticket was made for, if specified. If a station or machine is listed, it is a clickable link that will open Station Info or the Machine Modal.
  • Location: This is the location the ticket was made for, if specified.
  • Account: This is the account the ticket was made for, if specified.
  • Notes: This is the number of notes made on the ticket.
  • Schedule: This is the schedule for the ticket, if it was set up to be recurring. You can click the calendar icon to view the schedule details and edit them if you choose. Be sure to Save afterward.
  • Invoice: If the ticket is set as Billable, then you can click Template Invoice in this column to view the invoice for the ticket.
  • Created: This is the timestamp for when the ticket was created.
  • Closed: This is the timestamp for when the ticket was closed, if applicable.
  • Actions: You can use the trashcan icon to delete the ticket, or click the VMS Toggle extra filters icon to view the ticket details, seen below.

Here you can view the details of the ticket as well as its description. You can mark the ticket as Billable using the checkbox at the bottom to generate an invoice from the ticket, as well as re-assign the ticket to another technician, set the ticket as Inactive or Closed, or edit any of the other fields. 

At the top there are also the Notes and Signature tabs, where you can view any notes left by the technician from Stock or ticket creator, or view the signature obtained by the technician through the app when the ticket was completed, if applicable.


Creating Tech Tickets

To create a new Tech Ticket, you can click the green button wrench icon New Ticket back on the main Tech Tickets page. 

In the following pop-up, you can designate whether the ticket is for a machine, OCS Station, or equipment. You can fill in any additional information as needed, and enter an email to be notified when the ticket is marked as closed.

Navigating Tech Ticket Schedules

You can set up recurring tech tickets as Schedules under the second tab of the Tech Tickets page, seen below. This feature is helpful for automatically creating tickets for recurring tasks such as changing water filters.

As with the Tech Tickets tab, you can set a date range to filter the ticket schedules. 

Here is an explanation of the columns on the page, from right to left:

  • Subject: This is the type of ticket schedule.
  • Description: This is the custom description of the ticket schedule. The entire description is displayed from the main screen.
  • For: This is the machine, OCS station, or equipment the schedule is for. This may be a clickable link that will show you the information modal of the machine or station in question.
  • Schedule: This is how often the ticket schedule is set to recur.
  • Next Run: This is the next date the schedule is set to occur.
  • Tickets: This is the number of times the schedule has been set to run. The integer is a clickable link that will show you the ticket detail as well as the status of the schedule's tickets historically.
  • Invoice Template: If the ticket schedule has been set as Biilable, then this is a clickable link that will allow you to see the OCS invoice generated.
  • Created: This is the timestamp of when the ticket schedule was created.
  • Actions: You can use trashcan iconto delete the ticket, or click to view the ticket details, which appear much like the regular Tech Ticket details.


Creating Tech Ticket Schedules

You can click the green button clock icon New Schedule button to create a new recurring ticket schedule. 

You can enter information about the ticket schedule in the following pop-up. At the bottom, there is a checkbox to mark if you would like the first ticket to be created immediately upon saving the schedule. If the box is left blank, then the first ticket will be generated on the indicated start date for the schedule. 


Tech Tickets in Stock

In the Parlevel Stock application, technicians or drivers can view tickets for stops assigned to them. By tapping the route and then location, you can view the tickets open for that location.

You can choose to view All tickets,  Closed or Open tickets by tapping the appropriate button in the top bar.

In the top right corner, tap the + to add a new ticket for the location, or tap the to search the tickets by machine or station.

Tap the machine or station to view the details of the ticket. You will be able to see its Creation date, Status, and type. When viewing a ticket, you can add or view any associated notes, view all historical notes in Machine History, or close the ticket. You can also re-open a closed ticket.