
Parlevel - Profit & Loss

You can find your Profit & Loss report under Analytics > Taxes/Financial > Profit & Loss. At the top of the page, you can select a date range to run for the report, select a specific Route or Account if needed, and then click Run Report. There is also a Print button if you would like to print off the report.

The Profit and Loss report displays your Income and Expenses for the given date range. The Overall Total at the top right is calculated by the difference between the two, with a breakdown of each listed.

Your income is detailed on the left, which is your sales for the date range plus any Two Tier Fees, which are totaled at the bottom, just above Total Income. For the Two Tier Fees to be calculated correctly in the report, they must be set up correctly on each of your machines. 

On the right is a breakdown of your Expenses for the date range. The Product rows list the costs of the products sold. These go by the cost of the product at the time the sale was made, not the currently listed cost. The bottom rows list other operational expenses that were incurred during the time period. These expenses are calculated based on the settings under the Financial tab of your Company Settings.