Routing for Service
Once the cooler is fully assembled and built in the VMS, the cooler will need to be routed for servicing. The following instructions will cover the basics.
Click the Routes tab in your VMS. Bold routes are already planned or started.
Hover over the route on which the cooler’s market will be serviced.
Click Plan Service Route.
Located below the route name are the number of locations and machines assigned to this route, as well as the money expected to collect and the total sold in your entire route.
To filter for the market/location, click Toggle extra filters in the upper middle portion of the screen.
The total sales for the location is displayed to the right of the location name.
The following are the column header definitions:
RTP (Ready to Prekit) denotes how recently the machine has communicated with Parlevel by using color coded icons:
Green: The machine has communicated in the last 4 hours.
Orange: It has been 4-8 hours since the last communication.
Red: The machine has not communicated in over 8 hours.
CSO (Current Sold Outs) a number indicating how many sold-outs are currently in this machine.
PL (Parlevel Percentage) represents how full the machine is.
Collect is the amount of money expected to be in the machine at the time of service.
DSLS (Days Since Last Service) is the number of days since this machine was last serviced in the VMS.
Action indicates which service the driver will perform while visiting the machine. There are currently four options, Service Only (fill product only), Collect Only (collect money only), Service and Collect (fill product and collect money), and Repair (repair an issue on the machine, or sometimes used with a machine audit). By default, Service and Collect will be selected, but this can be changed in the Edit Market page.
Audit (if enabled) indicates that you plan to audit the machine inventory during this route.
Planned indicates that you plan on having the machine serviced during this route.
7. To change the service action to perform on the market, click the Action drop-down menu.
8. To plan the market for service, check Planned.
9. To map your route, click Calculate Route at the bottom right.
The VMS calculates the best route for the locations that you selected. The map on the right side of the screen highlights the route. Below the map is the distance in miles and the approximate time it takes to drive the route.
If you are not satisfied with the route, click Start Over.
10. When you are satisfied with the route, click Calculate Prekitting.
Prekitting the Route
After clicking Calculate Prekitting following the route planning process, you will be taken to the VMS Paper Prekitting page. This page displays a detailed summary of the route.
The route name and the planned date for the route are located at the top left of the page.
To go to the Route Progress page, click Go Back to Route. From here, you can add or remove locations to service on this route or make other changes.
The prekitting information on this screen is organized into two sections:
Prekitting Summary: The Prekitting Summary is divided by type of item; for example, cans, bottles, and snacks. Each item type is further broken down into brand, product custom ID, product name, how much of each product to load according to prekit settings, and total units (items) of product.
Prekitting Detail: If you scroll down, the Prekitting Detail provides in-depth detail of each machine/market on the route. This includes service notes where applicable, which slots the products are for, and how many items of each product to add to the machine/market.
Route Summary: This page displays the list of locations with addresses, actions to be performed, as well as tote and bag numbers.
Warehouse Prekitting: This allows you to make changes to how much you are stocking.
VMS Paper Prekitting: This takes you back to the detailed summary of the route.
Summary by Location: This screen displays a summary of prekitting by location on the route.
6. The Print drop-down menu allows you to choose to Print All, Only Summary View, or Only Machine View.
7. Below the route name is the service ID number, route, driver name, date of service, number of locations, number of machines, and the starting point for the route.
8. Click Options > Warehouse Prekitting to access the Warehouse Prekitting page. This page can be used to update the number of items per product to prekit and mark when the truck has been packed.
9. You can sort through your totes using the All Totes, All Machine Types, and/or Go To Tote drop-down menus at the top left of the Warehouse Prekitting page.
10. To view items with low warehouse inventory, click View Low Inventories to the right of the drop-down menus.
11. To switch between Prekitting Totes for this route, click Previous or Next on the right side.
12. To input the tote number, use the Tote Number field.
13. To input driver notes, use the Service Notes or Machine Notes fields.
14. To begin a timer for timing the prekit process, click Enable Prekitting Mode. This will allow you to adjust the To Truck column.
The prekitting list displays a list of products in the tote selected.
Click to the right of the product name to schedule a product change for this slot. This change takes effect when the cooler is serviced, similar to switching products from the Asset Edit page.
The original prekitting, prekitting, and number of items to go to truck are displayed.
When you pack the number of items for prekitting, check the Packed box.
Repeat these steps until all products are packed.
14. Click Prekit Tote.
To Cancel Machine, Recalculate, or Update Tote (this is an option to save changes to prekitting without marking the tote as prekitted), click Options and select the appropriate option.
Servicing the Hubz Cooler
In order to sync the products and layout, the cooler’s market must be routed for service in the VMS using the steps above, and then serviced using the Hubz cooler screen.
While in front of the cooler, tap the “D” icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Enter the proper driver credentials.
The following menu consists of the following three options: Mark as Serviced, Unlock as Stocker, and Cancel. Tap Mark as Serviced and the cooler will sync the queued planogram to the Hubz smart cooler.
Syncing the planogram may take a few minutes before changes take place.
You can reference the Parlevel Knowledge Base in Hubspot for more information, or contact the Hero Support team or your Customer Success representative for questions or concerns.