
Parlevel - Prekit Sequence

This article covers the setup and use of Prekit Sequence in your VMS. Prekit Sequence offers the ability to override machine layout in prekitting to match the warehouse layout instead. Having your prekitting sequence based on warehouse layout can make your operation more efficient by establishing a routine order for products to be loaded on trucks. Of course, this optimization is dependent on your Warehouse Areas and Zones being properly organized prior to setting up Prekit Sequence. Please see our Warehouse Setup article for more information.


Before you can use Prekit Sequence, you must enable the setting from Company Settings > System >   Edit > Use Prekit Sequence toggle, seen below.

PLEASE NOTE: Once the Prekit Sequence feature is enabled, the VMS will default to following the set Prekit Sequence instead of the machine planogram. Prekit Sequence setup MUST be completed prior to your next prekitting to prevent any issues in the prekit ordering. 


Navigating to Warehouse > Prekit Sequence will bring you to the setup page.

Clicking the orange button View Zones will redirect to your Warehouse Zones page. Please note that the more numerous and specific your zones are, the easier it will be to organize them appropriately in the sequence page. For information on best practices when setting up Warehouse Zones and Areas, see our Warehouse Setup article.

On the left side of the Prekit Sequence page, you will see your zones listed, and on the right, your products, which will be blank initially. Clicking a zone here will show what products are assigned to that zone, or it may be empty. To add products, click the blue + on the right of a zone.

You can sort through your products by the dropdown on the top right (listed are your current zones), or, a little further down, by Product Type or Name. Use the checkboxes on the right to select which products you'd like to assign to the current zone, and then hit Save to Inventory. Click Done when finished.

You can drag and drop Products or Zones to order them according to the desired layout for prekitting. 

When everything is set up as needed, please ensure that you click the Save button on the bottom right of the screen.