If you have not already set up a VMS micro market for the Hubz cooler, then you can do so following these steps.
Click > Micro Markets > Markets or click Markets > All Markets.
Create a New Micro Market
- Click the green button New Market.
- At minimum, enter required fields marked with a *
PLEASE NOTE: When entering the Cooler ID into the Kiosk ID field, please enter the prefix and ID (example: HBZ123456). - Click Create and Continue.
Edit an Existing Micro Market
- Click to the right of the row to edit the micro market.
- Edit as needed.
- Click Create and Continue.
Add Smart Cooler Asset
- Click to the right of the row to edit the micro market.
- Click Options on the right side of the screen, then Add Assets.
- At minimum, enter required fields marked with a *
- From the Type dropdown, select Smart Cooler.
- When adding Asset Layout Rows on the right, please note that Hubz coolers can have 5 shelves/rows maximum, or 25 slots.
- Click Create and Continue.
Editing Smart Cooler Asset
- From the Market Edit page, click the Assets tab.
- Click the name of the asset to view its current setup and product selection. You can click Edit Asset in the popup modal, or on the Assets tab you can click the Edit Asset button ( ) to enter the asset preview page, shown below.
3. On the top left, you can see the asset name and market you are currently editing. Switch between assets by clicking the Go To Asset dropdown in the top right corner. You can use the Options menu to view the asset modal, make a copy of the current asset, or enter the Modify Inventory/Prices screen.
4. Use the buttons next to the Row to add and delete rows as necessary to complete your asset. Please note that a Hubz smart cooler can have 5 shelves & 5 rows maximum, or 25 slots.
5. Hover over the product image or slot to move the product around the rows and columns. Press the red X to remove the selection, or the green to add a new selection on the end of the row.
6. Click the product image or slot to enter the Product Management screen.
7. Under Planogram Slots, you can see the selection you are viewing in the asset. Click a selection to view and modify its product, or use the red arrows beneath the product image to move between them.
8. The Special Actions dropdown will allow you to perform specific bulk actions, like applying price/parlevel/capacity/quantity/slot width of the current selection to the entire row or entire asset.
Use with care, as these changes are not easily reversed.
9. Underneath the product image, you will have the ability to enter the current attributes of the selection, including the price, quantity, parlevel, capacity, and the slot width of the selection in the cooler.
If you currently have a product in the selection, the option Set Slot as Empty will remove the current product from the selection.
Every selection will need its slot width in mm entered. The collective total width of the row must equal the entire shelf width of 630mm.
In order to save your changes to the cooler asset, any selected products must have their weight samples entered in grams on the Product Edit page, accessed from the Product Catalog. Please see the Product Setup article for more information.
If these values are not entered, you will receive a red text error like the one in the image above.
10. Use the Available Products search bar if you would like to replace the current product with another. Hover over the product to have its details displayed on the left side of the page, and click the new product to have it scheduled to replace the current product.
By default, the products searched will only be products already active in your catalog, but you can uncheck the Only Show Active Products box to search the master product catalog by keywords.
It is recommended to search by brand first to narrow results, rather than the flavor or product, which can return a large number of search results. (e.g. "Mrs. Freshley's" and then search the results for "donut sticks")
When you select a replacement product, the new product will appear next to the current one to indicate that it will be changed the next time the market is serviced (example seen on the right below). Unlike with vending or other market assets, scheduling product changes in the Hubz asset cannot be accomplished using Force Instant Product Changes. The cooler must be routed and serviced for its planogram to update in the VMS correctly. Please see the Hubz Routing & Servicing article for more information.
11. After adjusting all of your products and their attributes, you can click Save Changes to confirm, and click Back to Preview to go back to the asset preview.