
Parlevel - Cashless Reports for ParPay Devices

This document is an explanation of VMS basic analytics for your cashless reporting. iPayment Fundings and Apriva Reports provide the basis for cashless analyses, but are only available to customers that have Parlevel Cashless readers.

Apriva Reporting

Apriva acts as the gateway for any cashless sales made through a Parlevel card reader. To access the Apriva Reporting page, navigate in your VMS to the Analytics tab > Cashless > Apriva Reporting. On this page, you will see two tabs, Devices and Transactions

The Devices tab lists all of the Parlevel devices assigned to your subdomain, as well as detailing their respective machines, locations, activity status, cellular carrier, device types and IDs, and terminals. From the Parlevel - VMS Triple Gear Settings Icon Options dropdown, you can export this information into a single .CSV


Please note that all applicable devices are listed here, including the ones that are not assigned to any particular machine. These will be viewable at the bottom of the report once you have selected Show All, found next to the Filtered device number underneath the Devices/Transactions tabs. For the most accurate reporting, devices should be assigned to machines.

The Transactions tab provides all transactions from a single date only. Select a date, and then either Get Successful Transactions, or Get Failed Transactions

From the Parlevel - VMS Triple Gear Settings Icon Options dropdown, you can export this information. Next to this dropdown, you will find the total number of transactions and the total amount of sales between them. 

In Successful Transactions, each column is searchable and can be used to filter a specific transaction if needed. These columns include a number of useful details regarding the transactions, seen below. Note the columns Last Four, useful for searching by the last four digits of cards used, and Pre-Auth, for confirming pre-authorization amounts seen in addition to the actual sale amount. Pre-Authorizations typically clear within a few days, depending on the bank.

The Failed Transactions report lists these same fields, with the exception of leaving blank the Pre-Auth, Two Tier, and Approval Code, inapplicable here because the transactions failed.

iPayment Fundings

iPayment acts as the processor for cashless sales. Upon first pulling up this page, select an appropriate date range to view deposits. To access the iPayment Fundings page, navigate in your VMS to the Analytics tab > Cashless > iPayment Fundings. Upon first pulling up this page, select an appropriate date range to view deposits. Parlevel - VMS Triple Gear Settings Icon Options will allow you to export or print the information displayed.

The report headers are listed below in the image. Not only can you view the sales made and deposited, but also made available are the fees deducted from the deposit, such as service charges and reversal fees. Fees are listed in red, as well as any deposits that did not cover the fees incurred, thereby resulting in a negative amount.

iPayment deposits typically happen every day. If you experience any issues, you can contact iPayment through their Merchant support line at 1-800-324-9825 Ext. 1 .

Parlevel - Warning Notification Icon Please note that all incurred service charges are deducted once a month on a single day. This means that if that daily deposit amount does not cover the service charges, a negative amount will be displayed.