
Parlevel - How can I run a subsidies report in the VMS?
  1. Assuming you have already set up your subsidy group(s) and assigned machines to it, you can sun a subsidy report by navigating first to the Subsidy Calculator under Vending > Calculators > Subsidy.
  2. Set a date range for the intended report, and pick an account, if specifying (if you leave the account field blank, the calculator will generate subsidies for all).
  3. Click the green Run button and the page will display all sales for all applicable machines, broken down by machine and categorized by product family. You can remove individual machines from the report if you wish.
  4. Once you're finished reviewing the report, you may scroll to the top and click the green button Save Report.
  5. You can view the finished Subsidy report under Analytics > Customer > Subsidy, and selecting the report you saved earlier. 
    1. Click the account name to view the subsidy breakdown.
    2. Use the checkboxes on the left to select reports and then click Options to print or email them.
    3. You may also click the Status of the report to mark it as Paid.


Assuming you have set up your subsidy group and assigned it to the machine, first navigate to the subsidies calculator by clicking on the “Vending” tab along the top bar of your VMS and select “Subsidy Calculator.” Next choose the starting and ending date you would like to run the report for and select a location. All the sales for all of the machines will be displayed for you categorized by product family and broken down by machine. You can add products that were sold but not currently in a subgroup to one at this point if there was a product change. You also have the option to remove an entire machine from the report if you wish. Once you are done you can go back to the top and click on save report.