
Parlevel - Warehouse Daily Operations


This article details actions and processes you may find helpful to keep your inventory and product ordering running smoothly and accurately. These processes are intended only following the Parlevel - Warehouse Setup of your Warehouse operation.


Warehouse Prekit

Under Warehouse > Prekit > Routes tab, you can view the prekitting for your planned routes. This will open by default to the current day, so if you prekit a day in advance, you must take this into consideration. You can change the date using the date field in the top left corner, and then clicking the green VMS Run Report icon.

Parlevel - VMS - Warehouse - Prekit - Routes

From left to right, here is the information displayed in the columns:

  • ID: This is the system-generated ID number of the route. It is a clickable link which will take you to the Prekit Time Report.
  • Route: This is the service route the prekit is for. The route is a clickable link that will take you to the Route Progress page.
  • Status: This is the current status of the route.
  • Driver: This is the driver assigned to the route.
  • Truck: This is the truck assigned to the route.
  • Locations: This is the number of locations that are scheduled to be serviced on the route.
  • Serv Only: This is the number of machines/markets on the route that are set to Service Only.
  • Serv & Col: This is the number of machines/markets on the route that are set to Service & Collect.
  • Machines: This is the total number of machines on the route scheduled for service.
  • Prekit Items: This is the total number of items that are set to be prekitted.
  • OCS Orders: This is the number of OCS orders set to be filled during the route.
  • Paper: This is a clickable link that will take you to the Paper Prekitting Summary and Detail.
  • Prekitting: This is a clickable link that will take you to the route's specific Prekitting page.
  • Progress: This is the number of machines that have been serviced versus not serviced, expressed as a percentage.
  • Recalculate: This is a button that will allow you to recalculate the route's prekitting with the most up-to-date DEX information from the machines/markets.


Clicking the Progress percentage number will bring up the Totes Summary, seen here.

Parlevel - VMS - Prekitting - Totes

Under the Totes tab, you can view information relevant to the machines being prekitted, add a tote number or additional notes, and, on the far right, you can select the checkboxes and then Save in order to mark the machines as prekitted in bulk, which will move the associated prekit to the VMS truck.

Under the Info tab, you can view specific details regarding the prekitting and route, as well as recalculate the prekitting or navigate to the Paper Prekitting page.


Route Prekitting Page

Following the Prekitting link from the Warehouse Prekit page, you will be redirected to the Route Prekitting page.

Parlevel - VMS - Route Prekitting Page

For a full breakdown of the information and options available on this page, please see our Prekitting article.

Under Warehouse > Prekit > Trucks tab, you can verify and consolidate products pulled by your drivers. It is best practice to do this regularly (daily or weekly), or inventory that should be listed in the Warehouse will stack up on the truck over time and affect inventory tracking. For a thorough guide on the best process for consolidating product, please see our Shrinkage. article.


Please note that inventory in the warehouse and on the truck can go negative if a prekitted quantity exceeds the quantity available. In order to prevent negative product inventories, we highly recommend consolidating the truck inventory regularly to bring product back into the warehouse, as well as entering supplier orders in an accurate and timely manner.


Supplier Catalog

Under Warehouse > Supplier Catalog, you can view your product supplier and click New Order on the right to place an order with that supplier. 

Parlevel - VMS - Supplier Catalog page

On the left is information for your product cases associated with this supplier. On the right is your cart with your products to be ordered.  By clicking Parlevel - VMS - VMS Triple Gear Settings Icon Options > Auto Generate Order,  you can populate all of the suggested amounts in the cart, or if you would like to delete the items you've already added to the cart, then there will be an option to Clear Order. Next to the New Order tab is the Last Order tab, where you will have the option to order the last order placed with the supplier.  

From left to right, here is the information displayed in the Cases columns:

  • Supplier #: This is the Supplier ID associated with the product.
  • Product: This is the name of the product, which is a clickable link that will open the product modal.
  • Qty: This is the quantity of units per case.
  • Cost: This is the cost of the case.
  • Deposit: This is the deposit that must be placed when ordering the product, if any.
  • Inventory: This is your current quantity of product across all Area Zones.
  • Projected: This is the estimated inventory of the product you will have when you receive the order. This equation is calculated using your current inventory, the product DCR, and the number of days you are forecasting.
  • Parlevel: This is the total parlevel of the product, which takes into account the product's DCR and your listed Supply Duration (found in the upper left corner of the above image).
  • Threshold: This is the minimum amount of product that you have indicated to keep on hand, set in the Warehouse > Inventory page.
  • Suggested: This is the amount of product suggested for ordering in order to bring the product to parlevel. It is a button that once clicked will auto-fill the Order Cart with the recommended amount.
  • VMS Add product to cart icon: This button will add the product to your cart, where you can adjust the cost of the case. Click it multiple times to add multiple cases, or click the remove product from cart icon (VMS remove product to cart icon) to remove a case from the order.


You can export the order under the Parlevel - VMS - VMS Triple Gear Settings Icon Options dropdown. When ready, you can click Submit at the bottom of the Cart to submit the order.



Under Warehouse > Orders, you can view your supplier orders within a certain date range. 

Parlevel - VMS - Orders page

From left to right, here is the information displayed in the columns:

  • ID: This is the system generated ID for the order.
  • Order Number: This is the system-generated number for the order, indicating the ID and the Supplier. It is a clickable link that will allow you to view the order details.
  • Supplier: This is the supplier of the order.
  • Status: This is the current status of the order. When first submitted, it will be listed as Pending, then Processed, and, once shipped, it will list as Complete. If you choose to Apply Payment to the order, then it will show as Paid.
  • Delivery Status: This is the status of the order's delivery. You can click Receive Order to verify the order numbers, and they will be moved into their default receiving Zone. If you receive the entire order, the status will update to Delivered, but if you indicate when verifying that only some of the products were received, then the status will be Partially Delivered.
  • Cases: This is the total number of cases on the order.
  • Subtotal: This is the total of the entire order, before tax.
  • Placed at: This is the timestamp of when the order was created.
  • Due Date: This is the timestamp of the due date for the payment on that order, which is set in the Supplier settings page.
  • Payment: This is the timestamp of when the order was paid for, or, if unpaid, it will be a clickable button that will enable you to pay.
  • Actions: Using the dropdown, you can view the order in the browser or as a PDF, export it or email it, or have it deleted.



Under Warehouse > Audit, you can perform audits to take inventory of your current products. This feature is central to operators who use the Warehouse Module.

For information on this process, please see the article Parlevel - VMS - Warehouse Audit.