You can set up your Micro Markets to automatically fund users' Wallets upon creation, or reload Wallets on a regular basis.
This is done per Account, so you will need to navigate to Settings > Customers > Accounts in your VMS. Click the Edit icon on the far right of the Account you will be setting up for.
On the right hand column of the Account information, you will see the map, and beneath that, the Wallet Funding information.
You can enter an amount in the Wallet Starting Balance to have that balance automatically loaded upon creation of a Wallet.
Enter an amount in the Auto-Reload Amount field to have all Account Users' Wallets reloaded on a regular basis with that balance. Specify how often this balance will be applied with the Auto-Reload Frequency dropdown. You have the option of making this Daily, Every Weekday, Weekly, or Monthly.
If you would like to set a cap on the amount that Auto-Reload can load into a User's Wallet, you can enter the maximum amount in the Auto-Reload Limit field. Please note that the User can still manually reload their Wallet above this amount; the cap will only apply to the amount that the Auto-Reload function can apply.
Be sure to click Save Changes in the bottom right corner to apply the settings to the Account.