Service History is where you can view every service performed during every route in your vending business.
To view the Service history, click the Routes tab.
Select Service History from the drop down menu.
To view the Service History for one route, click the route name on the toolbar on the left side of the screen.
Choose the date range for the Service History using the From and To date fields.
To view only routes that have not been consolidated, click the All drop down menu, and select Pending Consolidation.
To run the service history report for the filters you set, click to run the report.
- To view the Notes Report or Export CSV, click Options and select the appropriate choice from the drop down menu.
Explanation of columns from left to right:
To change the sorting for the service history, click any column title.
ID: This is the unique ID assigned to the route for that service. This is a clickable link that opens the Prekit Time Report screen.
Service Date: This is the date of the service for this route. This is a clickable link that opens the Route Progress screen.
Status: This column displays whether the route status is In Progress, Finished, or Consolidated.
Route: This is the name of the route.
Driver: This is the driver assigned to service the route.
Machines: This is how many machines were scheduled to be serviced.
Locations: This is how many locations were scheduled to be serviced.
Notes: This is how many notes were recorded during the service.
Manual Pls: This is how many machines were serviced using Manual Parlevel.
Planned: This is the date the service was originally planned.
$ Sold: This is the total amount sold since the last service. This is left blank until consolidation is saved.
$ CC: This is the total amount in credit card sales since the last service. This is left blank until consolidation is saved.
$ Collected: This is the amount of money collected from the service. This is left blank until consolidation is saved.
Refunds: This is the total amount of refunds issued directly to the account during service.
Change Added: This is the total amount of change used to restock the coin mech, which may be deducted from bills if the Account for Change Added in Over/Shorts setting is toggled on in Company Settings > Route Planning. This feature should only be used if drivers restock coin mechs with coins pulled from the cash box.
O/S: This is by how much over or short the total counted collection is compared to the expected collection. Red is short, green is over.
Consolidated on: This is the date the route was consolidated on. Click the date to view the consolidation for that route. If there is a dollar icon, the route has not been consolidated. To consolidate, click the icon. For information about consolidation see Consolidation.
- Shrinkage: is displayed if there was shrinkage recorded for this route. Shrinkage is the loss of product due to theft, expiration, or damage, etc. To verify the shrinkage, click .