In order to track and document Shrinkage/Product Waste, the Warehouse module must be enabled in the VMS. To have this setting enabled and receive a tutorial on how to use this feature optimally, please contact your Customer Success representative or a member of Hero Support.
Drivers will track pulled product through the Stock application, which will create the initial list in the VMS for shrinkage verification. In Stock inventory, under every item is an arrow with a dropdown, where drivers can mark pulled product (image below). These items are deducted from machine inventory and added back to the truck in the VMS.
Until these pulled items are verified in the VMS as shrinkage or usable, they will accumulate in the truck.
Under the tab Warehouse > Prekit, you will find the Trucks tab, under which will be a list of vehicles and details regarding their inventory and consolidation. Selecting the blue Consolidate button on the right will bring up the truck consolidation and pulled product management page.
Select the Pulled Product tab. Here you will find a list of the products pulled by drivers. You can search through them if necessary. Once the item is found, select the blue Verify button on the right. You can mark the pulled inventory as Usable products and designate a VMS area for them to go to, or mark them as either Lost, Damaged, Expired, or Refunded. The numbers in the Usable and Product Shrinkage categories must equal the number in the Total Pulled line above, or the Returned column on the left, as shown below.
After verifying all the product marked as Returned, you will click the green Verify button on the bottom right.
You can also use the checkboxes on the left to select products in bulk, and using the Options dropdown, you can mark them collectively as Damaged, Expired, or Usable.
Waste/Shrinkage Report
You can view a Waste Report by going to Analytics tab > Warehouse > Waste Report. Specify a date range, and click to run the report.
For a full breakdown of this report, you can view the Waste Report article.