You can manually adjust a Market User's Wallet balance by navigating to Markets > All Users in your VMS. Filter for the User using one of the search fields, and click the Edit User icon to the far right of the User.
Click the blue button to adjust the User's balance.
Select from the dropdown if you would like to add or subtract a specified amount to/from the current balance or set the balance to a flat amount. Enter the amount.
You can check off the Subsidized by Account checkbox if you need this balance amount included in Account Subsidy reporting analytics.
Click OK to apply the adjustment to the User's Wallet.
Alternatively, you can adjust a large number of Market Users' balances at once. From Markets > All Users, you will need to select all applicable Users using the checkboxes to the far left of their name.
Click Options dropdown in the top right corner, and select Modify Balance.
In the following popup, you can indicate whether you would like to add or subtract an amount to the Users' balances, or uniformly set their balances to the amount. You also have the ability to mark the contributions as subsidized for reporting purposes.
Click OK when you are ready, and confirm on the following popup that you would like to apply the adjustment.