Join our Hero Support Manager Rita Zarate for 5 support tips & tricks to help you get the most out of your Vending Management System.
1. Activating a Product
From the VMS landing page navigate to settings , warehouse, products. From this page, you can view the products that are currently active in your database. If you do not see the product listed, select inactive from the dropdown status menu to expand the catalog. Once you see the product you are looking for, click the inactive link under the status column to activate the product. The product is now active in your catalog.
2. Adding Users to the VMS
To create a new User, click on the settings cogwheel and select Users. This will bring you the User List. Click on the Green New User button on the top right hand side, type in the username you would like to use, and fill in the appropriate fields for this user. You will also need to assign the user a role in the VMS. The Role Description will populate on the right hand side describing what the user will have access to in the VMS. This is important if you do not wish for the user to have access to certain areas such as financial and analytics information. You can also set an active on date and expiration date for this user. Type in a password for the user with the appropriate password conditions. You will need to type the password in twice for confirmation. Save your changes.
3. Implementing a Machine
After you have installed the device and sent a successful DEX, the device will populate in the implementation page. To access this page, navigate to Vending, Implementation. You will see the last known status of the device and the first and last report information. Click on the device ID and fill in the appropriate fields for your new machine such as name, machine model, serial number, asset number and location. Specify whether the machine has a cashless reader installed as well. You can also add notes or upload pictures of the machine from this page. Once you are done, select continue to layout. From this next page, you will see the DEX layout of the machine populated directly from the DEX. You can activate or deactivate selections by clicking on the selection boxes in the layout to match your machine set up. Select Create and Continue. From this page, you can select a product to populate in each of the selections. Scan a product by UPC or assign an existing planogram, or you can also click Save to finish your machine. That’s it! The Machine will now populate in your Vending, All machines page – merged with the device ID.
4. Merging an Offline Machine
Merging a device to an offline machine is very similar to creating a new machine. Navigate to the Vending, Implementation page and click on the device ID. From this page, click on the Merge with Machine dropdown box to list all of your existing offline machines. Select the machine and you will see the machine info fields auto populate. Select continue to layout. From this page, you will see the DEX layout of the machine where you can activate or deactivate to match the machine planogram. Click Create and Continue. If the offline machine layout does not match the DEX layout, the planogram will be removed from the offline machine, but don’t worry! You can fix the layout and assign the planogram. From this next page, you can populate the products, scan a product by UPC or assign a planogram that matches the layout. You can also make changes to your machine after it’s completed. Click Save. The offline machine will now be merged to the device ID.
5. Assigning a Planogram
We covered how to merge a device to an offline machine, but what happens if the planogram is wiped? No worries, the system will automatically save the planogram for you under Settings, Vending, Planograms. From this page, you can view all of your saved planograms or create some of your own. To assign an existing saved planogram, navigate to your Vending, All machines page and select the edit machine icon next to the machine you want to modify. Select the DEX layout tab. Click on the selection boxes highlighted in blue or grey to activate or deactivate. Once the DEX layout matches, click on the advanced settings tab and you will see the Assign New Planogram option populate. This will have your saved planograms that currently match. If you do not see this option, the layout will need to be modified further to assign the saved planogram. Click on the blue Assign Planogram button to assign the planogram and save your changes.
Thanks for joining us for these Support Tips and Tricks! This information will help you run your operation even more smoothly! Have any suggestions you’d like to see covered? Let us know! Thanks for choosing Parlevel!