To instruct how a Consumer Catering Account is set up and provide troubleshooting steps.
Note: This guide is a general walkthrough of the ideal way Catering should be used. The setup and experience of Catering may differ between different Catering locations.
What is Catering?
Catering refers to online orders made for client events rather than for single individuals. Catering does not require or use a Kiosk. Catering is also different from Online Ordering/Remote Orders/Order Ahead.
Setting Up a Catering Account
Setting up a Catering account is done in 2 parts. First, the Chef Manager must set up an Account Number for the client. Next, the client will need to create a login for that Account Number so that they can place orders and pay for their invoices online.
Creating an Account Number
The Chef Manager can create the Account Number from BT (https://operator-app.companykitchen.com) by going to the Catering business and clicking on the Requests tab.
Under Customer Requests, fill in the information of the customer and press Request New Account. Keep in mind, the address of the client must be the same address on the credit card they intend to pay with.
The notification in the image below will appear. If you've confirmed this is not a vendor, press OK to continue.
The page will refresh and you will see a message stating "Account added successfully" and the drop down box will have the newly added account. In parentheses is the Account Number, in this case 1003.
Note: If any information entered is incorrect, you can click "Request Account Change" as seen in the previous image to make adjustments.
Creating a Login
The login can now be set up by the client. The client will need the URL/web address of the specific catering business. This can be obtained by the Chef Manager by going to the Home page of BT and selecting the apple icon on the right side of the page next to the appropriate business name.
The URL is in the address bar of your web browser. Copy and paste it into the email sent to the client.
The client will need to go to the URL and select Sign In at the top right of the screen.
On the next page, the client will see the login on the left, and on the right is where they fill out their information to register for a login. If the client has not registered previously, they will need to register first.
Note: If the client also has a CK Card and the Username is their email address, this will cause conflict with creating the login.
The Account# must be entered at this time. If it is not, the client will be unable to create orders or pay for their orders online and will need to contact CK Support for assistance.
Options after the Account# are optional, except Location, which must match the name of the location where Orders intend to be made.
A page stating "Account Created Successfully" will appear. Click continue to go back to the Catering website to place the first order.
Placing an Order
Schedule a Catering
After completing sign up, you will be presented with this page below. To start your first order, fill in the necessary information and click Confirm Details. Note: The error messages in red only appear if you click Confirm Details without filling in the required fields.
Your catering order is scheduled, so now you can add items to your order. Click "<<Add Items" at the bottom right to go back to the menu.
Note: To start a new catering on future orders, you can either start by pressing "Schedule a Catering" to fill out the same information above, or you can start with the next steps below.
Adding Items
"<<Add Items" will bring you back to the main page of the Catering site. Here you will see multiple icons that can be clicked on. Each icon represents a different menu, or Eatery, that you can select your food from. The image below is an example and does not reflect what the client may actually see.
The image below is an example of what you will see when you click on the eatery.
- You can change your eatery by clicking on the names here.
- You can return to the Home page or switch catering menus (if more than one exists, this is uncommong though).
- Name and price of the item. If the item has a Description, it will appear here as well.
- Special instructions to relay to the Chef if you need to specify changes to the product, such as "No Onion". This is not required.
- Qty is based on the number of participants wanting this item, unless the product otherwise states how many it serves.
- The Add button at the bottom right will add the order to your checkout.
Adding items to your cart will make this box appear at the top of your page. You can remove items here, but other adjustments, if needed, will have to be made from the Check Out screen.
Check Out can be found at the top right of the page, with a Chef Hat next to it.
If you did not already Schedule a Catering following the steps above, you will be presented with that page once you click Check Out.
- Status of the Order. While this is in Pending, the Chef Manager will not be able to see your order.
- You can make adjustments to your catering time/location as needed before completing your order.
- Buttons needed for completing or changing the Order.
- Save Changes: Saves changes made to the catering schedule above.
- Place your Order>>: Submits the order for the Chef Manager to see.
- Return: Takes you back to the Home page of the catering site.
- Cancel Order: Cancels the Scheduled Catering Order. This will delete all items from your cart as well.
- The Update button saves changes made to each individual item. Don't forget to press this when you change a QTY or Special Instruction.
- Removes the line item from the cart.
- Takes you back to the Catering Menu to add more items.
- Clicking here gives you a printable version of your Catering Order.
Clicking "Place Your Order>>" will pop up a notification. You can press OK to continue.
Reviewing Your Catering Order
After pressing "Place Your Order>>" you will be returned to the "Schedule a Catering" page and see your current caterings at the top.
You can click on the reference name on the left (named reference in the example, but yours will differ) to review your order. While your order is in the Submitted status, you may still make changes to the order. However, if you do, be sure that you click "Place Your Order>>" again, otherwise the Chef Manager won't see your order anymore.
Paying Invoices
Accepting the Order
After a client submits their Order, the Chef Manager can then see that Order from BT by going to the Orders tab.
The Chef Manager can click on the Order name from here and press Accept on the next page. This will automatically create the Invoice, which can be seen on the Invoicing tab next to the Orders tab.
Also note that when an Order is accepted, it will turn Green on the Orders page and the Status will state Confirmed.
From the Invoicing tab, click on the new invoice to review it, and next to Status, change the drop down to Posted.
If the Status is not set to Posted, the client will be unable to pay for the Invoice.
Invoice Website
The client can pay their Invoice online by going to https://invoice.companykitchen.com.
Their login will be the same login they used to submit their catering order.
The client will have 2 tabs they can view once they are logged in: Outstanding and History.
- Outstanding: This is the default tab. This will show invoices that need to be paid.
- History: This tab shows all previously paid invoices.
Clicking on the Invoice under the Outstanding tab will pop up the "Enter new Credit Card information" screen. The client can pay multiple invoices at once by clicking the check mark box next to each Invoices.
Once the client fills out this information and clicks Confirm, the Invoice will be marked as paid in all systems. There are some things to keep in mind on this page:
- The information here must match exactly as the information on the credit card being used.
- If the address or zip code on the Catering account is incorrect, the client may receive the error message "AVS check failed."