
LSAdmin - Lightspeed Settings


This article describes the Lightspeed Settings available in LSAdmin. These features are listed in a drop-down menu under the Lightspeed Settings main menu option. 

Lightspeed main menu


Lightspeed Settings

Map Products to Lights 

This function is used to assign products to the lights. The client has access to this tab and can assign products, sections, and make lights inactive.



Map Products to Mobile 

This function is used to assign products to the mobile sections. It is broken down by rack, section, row, and location.

  • Rack means the entire line.
  • Section is defined as between the poles.
  • Row is each row within a section.
  • Location is each individual spot that holds a product.



Map Products to Mobile (Alternate)

This function is used primarily as a search tool. You can select your zone and use either "starts with" or "contains" to narrow down where a product is mapped.



Assign Product Images 

This is used to assign new pictures to the products. You can also use this to look up the current picture assigned to a product.



Product Overrides

This functions to substitute a product for some time before it gets to the picking stage. Select your zone, date range, and the before and after product to initiate an automatic substitution. The substitution is done when the orders are written to the database. The product replacing the product being overridden must be mapped in the same zone.



Suppress Product Overrides

This function is used when there is a certain type of order that cannot have substituted products. Primarily used for market orders, this can also be used for peanut-free machines and school environments because of health regulations.



Product Category Filters

This function is where you set specific products into your zones. It is used for mapping.



Machine Category Filters

This function is used to assign different machine/order types to each zone. This is one of the first steps when setting up our FastTrack or Mobile systems, to be able to pull and see orders.




Product Dimensions

This is used to show the case count of products. If the information is available from the provider when the client refreshes their provider list, this will automatically display. If not, the client can manually enter the information.



Container Dimensions

This is used to show the dimensions of containers used by the client. If the information is available from the provider when the client refreshes their provider list, this will automatically display. If not, the client can manually enter the information.



Link Secondary Provider Products

This function is used to link and confirm the products linked to the Primary provider. This is automatically done when the secondary provider is initially added to the client's account and their Provider list is refreshed but can also be manually adjusted.

  • For inventory purposes, make sure that all of the Secondary Provider Products have Product Codes that match your Primary Provider Products.
  • Notice that the Provider codes in the second column match the Primary Provider Product codes in the fourth column right next to each product name.



Link Route to Email Addresses

Allows the client to add an email address to receive alerts for a specific route.



Edit Routes

This function is used to edit routes and make them active or inactive.



Zones Disabled By Route

This feature allows the client to disable a zone from being filtered into a specific route.



Product Groups

Product Groups allows you to build groups so that several physical items can be mapped to respond to a single item coming in for fulfillment from the VMS.

Example: The VMS calls for Coke Classic no matter where the machine is, but the order must be fulfilled with a deposit bottle if the machine is in NJ but a regular bottle in NY. By building product groups for NJ and NY and then assigning them to the routes that need them, you can map & pick the proper product for each, even though the VMS just says "Coke Classic" without any further designation.



Configure Provider/Source

This is where the provider settings are entered. The Primary provider is set upon installation and secondary providers can be added at any time.



Lightspeed Options

This tab is used to customize picking. These settings range from turning on tracking to printing different tote tags.

This option should always be Don't Track unless using RFID bracelets. This will cause the FastTrack not to load properly if changed.

These options are universal settings (will affect all branches for the Enterprise clients). Please contact Support if there are any issues.




Set Branch Time Zone

This section allows the Time Zone to be changed for the branch.



Set Open Days

This setting is used to determine what days the client operates on and how many days ahead they pick for. Typically, one day ahead, when this setting is used the iPad and lights automatically adjust the calendar.



Pick Zone Edit

This page is used to customize the zone with picking options and printer settings. The client can change the printer here and also choose how many orders are picked by the picker at a time. The case group option refers to how the orders are picked, by bulk or by machine. Case option is used for the quantity pulled, whether the zone allows cases and singles, cases on, or singles only. Allow updates, when selected initiates a data transfer back to the provider once the order is completed.



Case Grouping Options:

  1. Do Not Pick Cases: Typically used for the lights, this option means that only singles are picked, it will overlook any cases orders.
  2. Pick Cases by Route, Group orders by Route – This option means that all like items are combined, and the entire route is picked as one order.
    1. For example, if there are 3 orders and each order has 12 cokes, this option will ask the picker to pick 36 cokes. *When this option is used, we do not send updates to the provider about what was picked*
  3. Pick Cases by Order: This option is used to pick each market/ machine by itself. This option has to be used for all Market orders or they will not update properly except for Vendsys.
  4. Pick Cases by Order, Group orders by Route (BULK Picking): This option is rarely used but it can be used to pick based on the route sequencing. Again, this does not update the provider and cannot be used for Market orders except for Vendsys.



Case Option:

  1. Singles in this zone, no cases: This is used for the lights. This means that only singles will be picked and the case box on the iPad will have a giant X over it. This setting should not be used on the iPad, it can prevent market orders from closing properly.
  2. Singles and Cases in this zone: Traditionally used on iPads, this setting is used to pick singles and cases.
  3. Cases in this zone, singles in another zone: This setting is used when you have two zones where the same products are pulled in. Clients use this setting to pick all cases for a route. Singles are pulled from a different zone separately. Does not update the provider if not configured properly.
  4. Singles in this zone, cases in another zone: This setting matches the one above, all of the singles are grouped and picked by the route. Do not update the provider if configured incorrectly. When this setting is enabled, the receipt prints out how many cases are needed as well.
  5. Not picked in this zone: ***This setting is not used. ***
  6. Singles in this zone cases NOT WITH LIGHTSPEED: This is a CRH setting. It is meant to allow the cases to display on the screen but not be required to be picked.



Allow Updates:

When the order is completely picked (reach order complete) we send the order details to the provider about what we picked. If the orders are picked in bulk, we do not send updates because we have no idea of how to evenly distribute the picks. In pick zone edit, if this is not checked then we will close market orders without sending the picks from this zone. Make sure this is always checked active!



Default Mobile Orders:

This is the maximum number of mobile orders that can be picked in a zone. The max is 6 and if you set it higher than 6, the iPad will try to assign the other orders and then error out. Customers usually pick 2 – 4 depending on the size of the cart they use to pick with.



Pick Incentive Time

The client uses this function to set a goal for their pickers. By entering the number of pickers in the zone and the number of items they want each picker to pick, the client sets a standard that is displayed on the target timer during picking on the lights.



Print Preferences

This allows the client to set preferences for how they would like their tote tickets to print.



Employee Hours

This is used to set the hours the employee worked and their hourly pay to monitor productivity in a more detailed manner.



Custom Ticket Builder

This page allows you to adjust the style of your tote tickets.



Bulk Zone Rounding Options

This feature allows the client to automatically round up, down or not at all when picking by the route. 



Edit Warehouses

Primarily used for Canteen Corporate, this allows the client to link their Provider Warehouse zones to their LightSpeed zones. This means that any products that have been sequenced in that specific warehouse zone will automatically be filtered to the LightSpeed zone they select. This applies to Mobile zones.



Branch Printers

This is where the current printers are listed for a branch. Printers must be added to this page for them to be able to print. They can also select an alternate branch to print from and to force landscape orientation. This also allows the listed printers to appear under Current Printers on the LightSpeed App.



Printer Add

  1. In Lightspeed Administrator, make sure you are in the appropriate branch, then navigate to Lightspeed Settings → Branch Printers.
  2. Click Add New at the bottom of the list of printers.
  3. Name the printer the exact name that you set in the printer installation.
  4. Next, navigate to Lightspeed Settings → Pick Zone Edit.
  5. Determine the appropriate zone to add the printer to, then scroll to the right and click Edit on that zone's row.
  6. Scroll back over to the left and view the Small Printer Name column.
  7. Choose the new printer that you created in Branch Printers.


Tote Print Fonts

This page allows you to adjust the font size to specific columns on their tote tickets. Font(s) which are not selected will be set to default sizes(large).
