
Gen3 PC Swap Process - Whisper8 to Silent11G Upgrade (Non-warranty)


If 365 Support has determined that the Whisper8 PC in your V5 device has failed, you are able to upgrade to a Silent11G through the use of an upgrade kit, provided by 365. You may also order them in bulk ahead of time so that you can have one on hand in the event of a PC failure, without having to wait on shipping time. 

The Silent 11g has a warranty of one year. 


Tools Required


The tools required for performing the changing out of a Whisper 8 to a Silent 11

  1. 1x Mounting Bracket
  2. 2x Mounting Bracket Screws and Nuts ( used to retrofit the new mounting bracket to the kiosk)
  3. 3x CPU Mounting Screws ( used to connect the silent 11 to the mounting bracket)
  4. 1x power plug adapter (connected to the existing power plug to provide power to the CPU silent 11)
  5. 1x wire cutter
  6. 1x large head Philip screwdriver
  7. 1x small head Philips screwdriver


Determining Correct Video Cable Attachment (For Touchscreen) When Switching CPUs

When upgrading a CPU from Whisper 8 CPU to a Silent 11 CPU, it is necessary to include the type of video cable needed in the RMA request to accommodate the type of ELO Touchscreen present on the Kiosk. 

Use the below guide to determine which ELO Touchscreen style the Kiosk has, and what cable type is needed:

  • Elo Touchscreen Gen 1 (silver back, 1 video port)


    The Gen 1 has only a VGA port. The VGA port will be blue in color. The video display cable needed for this type of configuration is a VGA to Display port cable.
  • Elo Touchscreen Gen 2 (black back, 2 video ports)


    The Gen 2 has both a VGA port and a Display port. The VGA port will be blue in color and the Display port will have a D shaped port. The video display cable needed for this type of configuration is a Display port cable.

  • Elo Touchscreen Gen 3 (black back, 3 video ports)


    The Gen 3 has a VGA port, Display port, and an HDMI port. The VGA port will be blue in color, the Display port will have a D shaped port, and the HDMI port is trapezium shade. The video display cable needed for this type of configuration is a Display port cable.
Cable Types

Refer to the following table for cable description and types:

  • VGA to Display Port Cable

  • HDMI to Display Port Cable

  • Display Port to Display Port Cable

  • DVI to VGA Cable

Swap Process


Video Instructions

Watch the video process here, or continue to the written instructions below:


Written Instructions

  1. Remove the two screws on the back of the kiosk at the top to open the front cover. Keep in mind: the front cover is heavy and the kiosk will tip forward if it is not anchored to the surface it is sitting upon. If necessary, place something under the screen when open to support the unit and prevent tipping. 
  2.  Remove all cables from the PC and pull back them to prevent interference.

  3. Remove the two screws on the PC support bracket to release the PC.
  4. Pull the PC off the kiosk back. It may be secured in place with double-sided tape: if that is the case, you may have to twist the PC and pull hard to remove

  5. Thread the power cable down into the base to remove it. This is easier if you remove the corrugated piece of loom that it passes through. Save this for re-install later.
  6. Remove the 4 screws on the upper housing on the back of the kiosk and remove this upper housing. You may need to move it back and forth to clear the router or remove the route cover separately by removing the 2 screws through the holes in the back.
  7. If present, remove the strap securing the 2 power bricks to the stand.
  8. Remove the larger power brick for the PC and pull the PC wire through and out the back of the unit. If the power wires are taped together, carefully cut the tap. You may need to feed the wire from the front while pulling from the back for the cable end to pass through the hole.

  9. Reach into the lower housing on the back of the kiosk and unplug the power brick. Remove the brick completely - it will not be used again.

  10. Install the new power brick for the PC, threading the cable for power through the same place where you removed the old power cable. This is easier if you pull through while you feed from the back. Plug the power brick into the power splitter where you removed the old brick.

  11. Re-install the strap on the 2 power bricks. The new brick is much smaller, so you may need to insert the mounting screw into one of the holes further up on the strap, as shown below. This will take up slack in the strap and allow the bricks to sit more securely.
  12. Re-install the upper cover on the kiosk back and tighten all screws.
  13. Replace the corrugated loom onto the cables coming through from the back to the kiosk to protect them from any sharp edges.
  14. Unplug the HDMI cable from the monitor and remove it from the kiosk, as it is no longer needed. Remove any zip ties and/or cable minders securing it in place, and remove it from its corrugated loom(s).

  15. Install the Displayport video cable included in the kit from the monitor back to where the PC will be installed. Route the cable through the piece of loom and under the soundbar.
  16. Flip the PC over and install the mounting bracket from the kit using 3 of the shorter #6-32 screws. Install as shown with the bend pointing upward.
  17. Pull out the ribbon cable with DB9/Serial connector on it and install it in the PC first. This is much easier when the PC is out of the kiosk. On the new PC, this is routed to the other side of the kiosk back to attach to the port.

  18. Attach the antenna to the PC

  19. Attach the PC bracket and PC to the bracket on the kiosk back. Use the longer #6-32 screws and locknuts provided.
  20. Plug one end of the Power Adapter Cable into the original PC power cable, then plug the other power adapter cable into the PC
  21. Reconnect all remaining cables to the PC and make sure there are no loose cables left at the end.

  22. Close the kiosk and replace the 2 screws on the back which hold the front of the kiosk closed.