365 Retail Markets' Hotel365 service has two types of user accounts:
- Hotel Manager - the role for general staff members
- Hotel Admin - the role for administrative staff at the hotel
This article details the permissions that both of these roles have access to.
User Settings
First-Time Login
- Your account will be created for you by another hotel user or 365 Support. In either case, you will receive an email about your new account.
- The email will contain a link to set the password for the account. Follow the link to the Hotel365 Portal to create your password.
- Sign in to your account.
- Select your user name at the top right corner of the screen. Select the Profile option from the drop-down menu.
- The My Profile page will appear. Change or confirm your account information from this page.
User Management
The User Management option allows you to create user accounts for other hotel staff members.
- Select your username in the upper right-hand corner, then select the User Management option from the resulting drop-down menu.
- The User Management screen will appear. Select the Add User button on the left-hand side to create a new user.
- The Add User screen will appear, where you can enter the staff member's information. It is at this phase that you can make them a Hotel Admin or a Hotel Manager.
- Once you have input all the required information, select the Save button. This new account, as well as any others that have been created, will now appear as a list on the User Management screen.
From this screen, you have a variety of options, such as:
- Resend – resend the initial invite email that allows a hotel user to create their password and log in to their account
- Edit – change the account information for an existing hotel user’s account
- X – removes the hotel user from the User Management grid permanently
The Markets option displays all location(s) that you have access to. Select the arrow to the right of Markets to see the full list.
Needs Onboarding
If any Hotel locations need to go through the onboarding process, you will see Needs Onboarding in this list.
- Select the arrow to the right of Needs Onboarding
- Select the name of the Location you would like to onboard
- Confirm Location information as needed
Main Menu
The majority of the settings for the Hotel365 Portal can be accessed from the main menu, which is available on the left side of the screen. The details of these menu items are outlined below.
The Products menu item comprises the Product List (shown below), product settings, and other options.
Add a Product
- Select the Add Product button
- The list of available products will now appear.
- Click on the name of the product or products to select them. You may search the list by sorting alphabetically (A-Z), or from lowest to highest price. You can also search for products by using the search icon and typing in the product name.
- When finished, select Add. Select Cancel to exit without adding products.
- The Product List screen will now display again, with the products you have added.
Delete a Product
Deleting a product can only be done by the Hotel Operator. For more information, see our Hotel365 Operator Guide.
Swap a Product
A product may be swapped for another on the Product List. Column descriptors can be managed on the swap product screen.
Manage Columns in the Product List
Select the Manage Columns button to determine which header items can be viewed on the Product list. Once you have made your choices, select Save for the details to be applied to the selection.
Column options include:
- Category - the classification of the product: "breakfast," "snack," "lunch," "dinner," etc.
- UPC - the scan code of the product
- Product - the name of the product
- Inv - the number of product items in the inventory
- Min - the minimum number of product items before inventory is replenished
- Max - the maximum number of products
Refill Action - drop-down option to select either Below Maximum or At or Below Minimum for product replenishment
- Cost - the actual cost of the product from the operator to the hotel
- Price - the cost in addition to profit margin then sold to hotel guests
- Tax Rates 1-4 - These columns assign a unique name to a tax rate, i.e. a specific tax rate for soda of 6%, energy drink rate 8%, etc. Four of these allow you to stack multiple tax rates onto a single product if needed.
Product Settings
There is a sub-navigation tab within the Product list screen called Settings. This product settings page is comprised of the following:
- Global Margin - set a global margin across the product list
- Allow Category level margins - set a margin across specific product categories (or all of them) in the product list
- Allow product level margins - set a margin across specific products or all of them
- Round to nines - round up all category product selling prices to the 9th (i.e product price is $1.99)
- Tax Rates 1-4 - assign a unique name to a tax rate, such as a 6% tax rate for a soda 6%, an 8% tax rate for energy drinks, etc. Four of these allow you to stack multiple tax rates onto a single product if needed.
Hotel users can place product orders in two ways:
- Manual Orders - products are manually added to the order list based on needs determined by the hotel staff
- Auto Orders - the portal updates the order list for any product that has an inventory of 0
The status of the order indicates the level of order processing. It is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and has three possible states:
- Pending - The product order hasn’t been submitted
- Ordered - The product order has been submitted
- Delivered - Products have been delivered
On the sidebar to the left, you will find:
- Pending - this is your pick-list orders that haven’t been submitted for processing in ADM (picklist)
- Recent - Displays order that were placed and delivered
- Year - Displays orders in current and past years
Add Products to Order
To reorder products that have already been sold at this hotel location, you can add them to the order from the Product List screen.
If you would like to order products that have not previously been sold at this location, you can do so by selecting the Add Global Product button on the Product List screen.
Users can sort products by:
- Product name A-Z
- Product Price Lowest to Highest
Once you have made your choices, select the Add button to add the desired products to the order list. The message Product saved successfully will appear, and the order list will display the new products you added.
Delete Product from Order
If you would like to remove products from your order, select the product, then select the Delete button. Once that is done, you will see the message Product deleted successfully.
Submit Order
Once all required products are on the order, select the Submit button. You will then see the message Order submitted successfully. The status will be changed to Ordered. Once your order has been fulfilled, the status will be changed to Delivered.
Hotel users have access to many types of reports. To see the full list, please see Hotel365 Portal - Reports.
Point of Sale (POS)
- Search for products on the product list
- Add product(s) to cart
- Determine the form of payment for the transaction:
- Cash: tenders cash processed on the hotel’s system
- Comp: receives hotel discount and does not tender payment
Room: charges purchase to the hotel room bill
- Input the customer's information as needed, and select Save
Once you have placed the order, a message will pop up saying Order has been successfully Placed. You may now print out the receipt if requested, or close out of the transaction box.
There are other settings available to change as needed, which are Market Info, Additional Details (for Hotel Admins only), and Logo and Color Schema (for Hotel Admins only). These are detailed in the sections below.
You may access these settings by selecting the Gear Icon on the left-hand side of the screen.
Market Info
The Market Info page displays preset information, such as the location name and address of the hotel. Hotel users can change the Market Name, but cannot change the address.
Hotel users may toggle Yes or No on information relating to the Market property. Select the Save button at the bottom of the page once the information is correct.
Additional Details - Hotel Admins Only
This setting relates to the hotel's Inventory and Delivery options, which are described below.
Inventory Settings
The Inventory settings allow the Hotel admin to control how often orders are delivered to the Hotel market. You may select between 1 week to 4 weeks from the Time between Inventories drop-down box depending on your needs. You can also prevent new orders from being delivered before the previous order had been inventoried by checking the Prevent orders until inventory taken box.
If Time between Inventories is set to OFF, this will indicate that there is no limit to when delivery can be received. If that is the case, the Prevent orders until inventory taken box will not be visible.
For information on taking inventory, please see Hotel365 - Inventory Management.
Delivery Settings
These settings control when the hours of operation for deliveries.
Options include:
- Open at and Closed at - Delivery hours to be carried over to orders placed
- Guard access - check this box if a guard is present at the location
- Badge required - check this box if a badge is required for entry into your location
- Special Instructions - space to leave any other instructions for the delivery process. Examples could include "Please let the guard know the reason for your visit," "Give special code for entry into the location," etc.
Once the Hotel admin has filled out these settings, they can select the Save button at the bottom of the page.
Logo and Color Schema - Hotel Admins Only
This Hotel Admin setting allows you to change the branding of your location. You may upload a company logo via a URL address or select and preview your primary colors. Select the Save button at the bottom of the page once you have completed your changes.