To get the Router IP Address:
- Select Shut Down from the Login screen to access the desktop.
- From the desktop, touch the up/down arrows located in the top, right corner.
- Select Connection Information.
- The Default Router IP Address is listed. Write it down as you will need it for the next steps.
Go to this website: https://<replace with Default IP address>:12345. Only use the 30D Default IP addresses which are 172.16.X.X. Take out bracket < symbols on both sides.
- Name – admin
- Password – f0rtic3rt!
- Login as – Read-Write
- Click – Continue
Go to:
- System
- Networks
- Interface
- Double-click on the WAN. The Edit field will display.
- Change “Addressing mode” to MANUAL.
- Enter the default IP and Netmask in the IP/Network Mask field.
Note: Your IT rep will give you the Netmask number.
- Click OK.
Go to:
- System
- Network
- Choose Create New in the top, left corner.
- Enter ONLY the Gateway IP in the Gateway field.
Note: Leave “Destination IP/ Mask” as 0’s and “Device” as wan.
6. Click OK.