Release Notes rel-231215-server
The following new features and fixes were deployed on 1/18/24.
What’s New
- An update to the printing of Gift Cards within ADM is being introduced to provide another way to generate physical records. When Gift Card records in ADM are printed, users will now receive an Excel document containing the QR code values in addition to the standard PDF file. This update will allow Operators to generate their own QR codes with the embedded values, perfect for creating custom themes and messaging using additional printing resources.
- The Sales Analysis report in ADM has been updated with the addition of a new "Route" column. This column will display the associated Route name for each specific Location within the report. This update will make it easier for Operators to get sales data by Route to get a more comprehensive view of performance within their Org.
- We have updated the 365 Mobile Inventory site to wrap the Location Name text onto numerous lines. This will help to enhance the user experience by addressing the issue of Location Names being cut off on mobile devices, ensuring that Operators can now see the full names.
- The process for creating and editing GMA has been updated technically to provide a quicker and more reliable user experience. Another change to note is that Scancode and Email conflicts will now be displayed on the submission of the action.
- ADM Users are now prevented from scheduling reports with identical parameters for the same Org in ADM. The parameters considered for duplication include various criteria such as the report, date range, and selected location. This update will help to provide a quicker user experience and eliminate the possibility of receiving duplicate reports.
Bug Fixes
- We have fixed a bug in ADM on the Consumer Summary page that was preventing some App Transactions from showing in the Balance History section. With this fix, ADM Users can now view all transactions that a consumer makes, regardless of the source.