This document is an explanation of VMS basic analytics for your machine issues and report list found under Analytics > Vending Operations.
POS (Machines) with Issues
Click Analytics in the navigation bar, and select Vending Operations > POS With Issues.
The top of the screen displays:
- The number of total machines registered in the VMS,
- The number of machines currently set as Connected, and
- The number of detected issues in the machines
Beneath this is a table of the most common issues, and how many machines are experiencing each.
Most Common Issues
No Communication: The telemeter is not communicating to Parlevel.
Possible reasons include:
The machine or telemeter is unplugged.
There is bad Internet connection or a faulty antenna.
- Telemeter software bugs.
Possible solutions:
Check the power cables.
Check the antenna connector.
- Restart the machine and telemeter.
Connection / Cabling Issue: The telemeter is online, but no DEX cable is detected.
Possible reason:
- The DEX cable to the telemeter is unplugged.
- DEX was not enabled by the Third Party device manufacturer.
Possible solution:
- Check the DEX cabling between the VMC and telemeter, then verify the telemeter is sending DEX.
- Contact the telemeter manufacturer to confirm DEX is enabled.
Handshake Error: The telemeter is online, but cannot DEX the VMC.
Possible reasons include:
A defective telemeter.
A defective VMC.
- Incompatibility between the VMC and the telemeter.
Possible solutions:
Verify the telemeter has up-to-date firmware.
Verify the VMC is properly functioning and DEXing.
- Restart the machine and telemeter.
No Selections Issue: The telemeter is online and DEXing, but the information provided by the machine is lacking sales information for individual selections. As a result, inventory cannot be tracked.
Possible reasons include:
The machine configuration is not set to report Product Codes.
Product selections are not active in the DEX settings
- An incompatibility between the machine and the telemeter that leads to a handshake error and therefore no selections are reported
Possible solutions:
Set Product Codes to Manual.
Configure DEX settings to have product selections active and reporting.
- A possible machine EEPROM firmware update is required.
Explanations of columns from left to right:
Asset: The unique number assigned to the machine.
Device ID: The telemeter ID in online machines.
Machine: The name assigned to the machine. The machine name is a clickable link that opens the Machine View.
Location: The location that the machine is assigned to.
Route: The route the machine is assigned to.
Model: The model of the machine.
Issue: The current issue with your machine that needs to be addressed.
Notes: Notes about the machine issue. To enter an issue note, click Empty. Enter the note in the popup field and click the checkmark .
Date Detected: The date and time that the issue was first detected.
POS (Machines) List
Click Analytics in the navigation bar, and the select Vending Operations > POS List.
The total number of machines currently in the system is located at the top of the screen.
By default, the POS list is organized by locations. To turn this filter off, click Filters On at the top right of the page. You can then filter using the column headers.
- To Print, Export, or Toggle Columns, click Options and select the appropriate action from the drop down menu.
Explanations of columns from left to right with Filters Off:
Asset #: The unique number assigned to the machine.
Route: The route the machine is assigned to.
Account: The account the machine is assigned to.
Location: The location that the machine is assigned to.
Address: The address of the location.
POS: The name assigned to the machine associated with the POS. The machine name is a clickable link that opens the Machine View.
Type: The machine type.
Model: The model of the machine.
Serial Number: The machine serial number.
Bottler Number: This is an optional number that can be added for asset tracking purposes.
Device ID: The Telemeter ID.
Device Added: The timestamp of when the device was added.
Added by: The name of the person who added the device.
Group: The prekit group the machine is assigned to.
Tags: Descriptive labels available as an option to assign to your machines.
Purchase Cost: The listed cost of the machine.
Purchase Date: The date the machine was purchased.
Created: The date the machine was created in the system.
: Indicates if there is a credit card reader or not.
- : Indicates if there is a note for the machine.