As part of a larger effort to combine resources to strengthen the support that our company provides operators, Parlevel is merging into the 365 Retail Markets support account.
When will the changes take place?
The changes will take effect Monday, April 3rd 2023
How do I contact Parlevel Support via live chat now?
Parlevel Support is changing from Slack to a new tool for Live Chat Support, to provide you with a more robust, consistent support experience.
Navigate to the 365 Retail Markets Helpcenter and click the support widget button in the bottom right corner to start a live chat or create a ticket. Live chat is a 1 on 1 live session with Parlevel support. More information here.
Can I still contact support via Slack?
To help us provide the best service we can, we ask that you transition your support requests to the new methods listed in this notice. We will be closing Slack for support shortly after this transition. If you enjoyed the experience of support through Slack, our new live chat offering is a perfect solution for you.
How do I contact Parlevel Support via email now?
There is no change to how you contact email support. Please continue to submit support tickets and requests to
How do I contact Parlevel Support via phone now?
There is no change in how to contact via phone. You can continue to reach us at 210-200-8873 or toll free at 866-846-8807 (Parlevel Support) | 866-921-8704 (Parlevel Hubz)
How do I contact Parlevel Support via web form now?
You can create a ticket by using the 365 Contact form or by using the new Support widget and selecting the “create a ticket” contact method
Will the Parlevel Helpcenter be changing?
We will be migrating the Parlevel Helpcenter articles in the near future. We will post updates here and on the Parlevel Helpcenter once the migration has been completed.
Parlevel Helpcenter | 365 Retail Markets Helpcenter
To prep for the upcoming change to the new Helpcenter, you can easily create an account in the 365 Retail Markets Helpcenter following the steps found here.
How do I view my tickets created after these changes?
Once you create your new account following the article above, you will be able to view any ticket created moving forward in the 365 Helpcenter
Our new Support web widget with Live chat
You can start a chat via the web or from your mobile device by navigating to and using the widget in the bottom right corner
Once in the widget and you select "Get in touch" you will see both Chat & Submit a ticket*.
*Submit a ticket best used for non urgent items and is a form based way of making a request without speaking to a live agent.
Once you select the Chat option and enter your contact information and a brief description of your issue a live agent will accept your chat and you are now connected.