/--- pcProx and OEM Reader Configuration Template File --- :Library Version: 7.2.6 :Device FW Version: 14.30 / AZERTYShiftLock AZERTYShiftlock = 0 / 0= off, 1 = on / ExtendedPrecisionMath ExtendedPrecisionMath = 0 / 0= off, 1 = on / tsIDBitCnts iLeadParityBitCnt = 2 / Wiegand Leading Parity bit count to be stripped iTrailParityBitCnt = 1 / Wiegand Trailing Parity bit count to be stripped iIDBitCnt = 20 / if bStripFac, this determines bit count of ID and FAC iTotalBitCnt = 26 / if bFrcBitCntEx, card read (including parity) must match this / tsCfgFlags bFixLenDsp = 0 / Send as fixed length with leading zeros as needed bFrcBitCntEx = 0 / Force Rx'd bit count to be exact to be valid bStripFac = 1 / Strip the FAC from the ID (not discarded) bSndFac = 0 / Send the FAC (if stripped from data) bUseDelFac2Id = 1 / Put a delimiter between FAC and ID on send bNoUseELChar = 0 / Don't use a EndLine char on send (default to ENTER) bSndOnRx = 0 / Send valid ID as soon as it is received (iIDLockOutTm timer not used) bHaltKBSnd = 0 / Don't Send keys to USB (Get ID mechanism) / tsIDDispParms iFACIDDelim = 179 / if bStripFac & bSndFac & bUseDelFac2Id, this char sent between FAC & ID iELDelim = 40 / if NOT bNoUseELChar, this char sent at end of ID iIDDispLen = 5 / if bFixLenDsp, ID padded with zeros to this length iFACDispLen = 3 / if bFixLenDsp, FAC padded with zeros to this length iExOutputFormat = 0 / 0 = Data Format Mode, 1 = Extended Mode / tsTimeParms iBitStrmTO = 80 / Wiegand read times out after this msec time (4msec gran.) iIDHoldTO = 1000 / Card ID remains valid for this msec time (50msec gran.) iIDLockOutTm = 1200 / Squelch repetitive reader reports (usually > 1000) in msec (50msec gran.) iUSBKeyPrsTm = 20 / Sets USB inter-key 'Press' time in msecs (4msec gran.) iUSBKeyRlsTm = 20 / Sets USB inter-key 'Release' time in msecs (4msec gran.) / tsCfgFlags2 bUseLeadChrs = 0 / Use leading chars in ID KB send bDspHex = 0 / Display ID as ASCII Hex [not ASCII decimal] bWiegInvData = 1 / Wiegand data on pins is inverted bUseInvDataF = 1 / use the bWiegInvData flag over hardware setting bRevWiegBits = 0 / Reverse the Wiegand Rx bits bBeepID = 1 / Beep when ID received bRevBytes = 0 / Reverse byte order (CSN reader) / tsCfgFlags3 bUseNumKP = 0 / Euro KB flag bSndSFON = 1 / Split format ON = 1, old combined scheme = 0 bSndSFFC = 0 / 0 = FAC Decimal, 1 = FAC Hex bSndSFID = 0 / 0 = ID Decimal, 1 = ID Hex bPrxProEm = 0 / Use ProxPro emulation bUse64Bit = 0 / 0 = 32-bit, 1 = 64-bit Display Math bNotBootDev = 0 / USB Enum: 0=BootDevice, 1=NOTBootDevice bLowerCaseHex = 0 / 0= Upper case , 1= Lower case / tsIDDispParms2 iLeadChrCnt = 0 / if bUseLeadChrs, this contains the lead char count (<=3) iLeadChr0 = 0 / these lead characters are filled in (up to 3) iLeadChr1 = 0 / iLeadChr2 = 0 / iCrdGnChr0 = 0 / if non-zero, sent when ID goes Invalid iCrdGnChr1 = 0 / if this and Chr0 non-zero, sent when ID goes Invalid / tsIDDispParms3 iTrailChrCnt = 0 / this contains the trail char count (<=3) iTrailChr0 = 0 / these trail characters are filled in (up to 3) iTrailChr1 = 0 / NOTE: LeadChrCnt + TrailCheCnt <= 3 iTrailChr2 = 0 / LeadChrs have priority / tsLEDCtrl bAppCtrlsLED = 0 / Display LEDs are controlled by user thru this DLL iRedLEDState = 0 / 0 == Off, 1 == On iGrnLEDState = 0 / 0 == Off, 1 == On / tsBprRlyCtrl iBeeperState = 0 / 0 == Off, 1 == On iRelayState = 0 / 0 == Off, 1 == On / Note: DO NOT change the name "sFldSepData"! / Comment and Blank Lines between data bytes are optional. / ASCII Hex data bytes may be separated by Comma, Period, Space or Tab. BEGIN sFldSepData / FldSepHdr[2] = / FldDefs[][4] = / SepDefs[][2] = C5.00 C5.0A C2.14 / SepData[] = 2C. 33.02.2C. FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF 00.1A. END sFldSepData CardType: 0 / Card type code CardPriority: 1 / 0=Low, 1=High Priority ##NEXTCONFIG## / AZERTYShiftLock AZERTYShiftlock = 0 / 0= off, 1 = on / ExtendedPrecisionMath ExtendedPrecisionMath = 0 / 0= off, 1 = on / tsIDBitCnts iLeadParityBitCnt = 2 / Wiegand Leading Parity bit count to be stripped iTrailParityBitCnt = 1 / Wiegand Trailing Parity bit count to be stripped iIDBitCnt = 20 / if bStripFac, this determines bit count of ID and FAC iTotalBitCnt = 26 / if bFrcBitCntEx, card read (including parity) must match this / tsCfgFlags bFixLenDsp = 0 / Send as fixed length with leading zeros as needed bFrcBitCntEx = 0 / Force Rx'd bit count to be exact to be valid bStripFac = 1 / Strip the FAC from the ID (not discarded) bSndFac = 0 / Send the FAC (if stripped from data) bUseDelFac2Id = 1 / Put a delimiter between FAC and ID on send bNoUseELChar = 0 / Don't use a EndLine char on send (default to ENTER) bSndOnRx = 0 / Send valid ID as soon as it is received (iIDLockOutTm timer not used) bHaltKBSnd = 0 / Don't Send keys to USB (Get ID mechanism) / tsIDDispParms iFACIDDelim = 179 / if bStripFac & bSndFac & bUseDelFac2Id, this char sent between FAC & ID iELDelim = 40 / if NOT bNoUseELChar, this char sent at end of ID iIDDispLen = 5 / if bFixLenDsp, ID padded with zeros to this length iFACDispLen = 3 / if bFixLenDsp, FAC padded with zeros to this length iExOutputFormat = 0 / 0 = Data Format Mode, 1 = Extended Mode / tsTimeParms iBitStrmTO = 80 / Wiegand read times out after this msec time (4msec gran.) iIDHoldTO = 1000 / Card ID remains valid for this msec time (50msec gran.) iIDLockOutTm = 1200 / Squelch repetitive reader reports (usually > 1000) in msec (50msec gran.) iUSBKeyPrsTm = 20 / Sets USB inter-key 'Press' time in msecs (4msec gran.) iUSBKeyRlsTm = 20 / Sets USB inter-key 'Release' time in msecs (4msec gran.) / tsCfgFlags2 bUseLeadChrs = 0 / Use leading chars in ID KB send bDspHex = 0 / Display ID as ASCII Hex [not ASCII decimal] bWiegInvData = 1 / Wiegand data on pins is inverted bUseInvDataF = 1 / use the bWiegInvData flag over hardware setting bRevWiegBits = 0 / Reverse the Wiegand Rx bits bBeepID = 1 / Beep when ID received bRevBytes = 0 / Reverse byte order (CSN reader) / tsCfgFlags3 bUseNumKP = 0 / Euro KB flag bSndSFON = 1 / Split format ON = 1, old combined scheme = 0 bSndSFFC = 0 / 0 = FAC Decimal, 1 = FAC Hex bSndSFID = 0 / 0 = ID Decimal, 1 = ID Hex bPrxProEm = 0 / Use ProxPro emulation bUse64Bit = 1 / 0 = 32-bit, 1 = 64-bit Display Math bNotBootDev = 0 / USB Enum: 0=BootDevice, 1=NOTBootDevice bLowerCaseHex = 0 / 0= Upper case , 1= Lower case / tsIDDispParms2 iLeadChrCnt = 0 / if bUseLeadChrs, this contains the lead char count (<=3) iLeadChr0 = 0 / these lead characters are filled in (up to 3) iLeadChr1 = 0 / iLeadChr2 = 0 / iCrdGnChr0 = 0 / if non-zero, sent when ID goes Invalid iCrdGnChr1 = 0 / if this and Chr0 non-zero, sent when ID goes Invalid / tsIDDispParms3 iTrailChrCnt = 0 / this contains the trail char count (<=3) iTrailChr0 = 0 / these trail characters are filled in (up to 3) iTrailChr1 = 0 / NOTE: LeadChrCnt + TrailCheCnt <= 3 iTrailChr2 = 0 / LeadChrs have priority / tsLEDCtrl bAppCtrlsLED = 0 / Display LEDs are controlled by user thru this DLL iRedLEDState = 0 / 0 == Off, 1 == On iGrnLEDState = 0 / 0 == Off, 1 == On / tsBprRlyCtrl iBeeperState = 0 / 0 == Off, 1 == On iRelayState = 0 / 0 == Off, 1 == On / Note: DO NOT change the name "sFldSepData"! / Comment and Blank Lines between data bytes are optional. / ASCII Hex data bytes may be separated by Comma, Period, Space or Tab. BEGIN sFldSepData / FldSepHdr[2] = / FldDefs[][4] = / SepDefs[][2] = C5.00 C2.0A / SepData[] = 2C. FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.00.40 END sFldSepData CardType: 256 / Card type code CardPriority: 1 / 0=Low, 1=High Priority ##NEXTCONFIG##